Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My boyfriend gets so upset over losing or when his team loses on tv - how can I help him?

My boyfriend gets incredibly upset if he loses - like in work rec softball league, shuffleboard at a bar, board games, when his favorite football team loses.... etc.... he will completely shut down and not speak to me to deal w/his anger - he use to hit stuff and knock it down, so at least he is over that.... but I just want advice on how I can help him control his anger or practical tips he can use to not get so worked up. I don't want our relationship ruined over this - but it scares me to settle down w/him and esp to have kids because i think it would be an awful example to set for them....|||Sometimes, having someone around like you who wont let a person cope the way they have their whole life makes it worse.. leave the man alone and find someone else.|||proper solution = dump his violent behind|||buy him ticktes to next match =) or make for him dinner =)|||Yeah a lot of anger is deffinately not healthy for him or for the relationship. i no it's hard but you should talk to him when he's calm and tell him that he shouldnt get so worked up over things like that. Also include that its hurting your relationship.. good luck|||Just wanted to say your smart to think of this before you get married or have kids. I don't have an answer for you but I think your being smart by wanting to figure this out before you have kids.|||" Its just a game."|||This generally stems from low self esteem and the need for approval. Look at his childhood (what he's told you) and also look at his father. Was his father distant? Emotional or physically? If so there is your answer. Men who don't get what they need from dad have low self worth and often times anger issues. They are also still seeking approval from daddy whether they know it or not. Boys ask the question from their father of "Am I good enough." They ask this in many ways and if the father doesn't show and tell them that they are then they grow up not knowing if they are good enough for anything. This creates anger, and low self esteem.

I hope this has helped and not confused to much.

God Bless!

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