Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why is it impossible for me to be/act confident when i feel down and depressed?

When i feel down and depressed, i am completely unable to act like myself and be confident. My thoughts are all over the place and i cant seem to think or communicate logically. I even lose my sense of humor and am unable to 'connect' with the person im talking to. Its really crazy, and when im in that state, if i try to force confidence i just end up coming off as arrogant and incredibly awkward. Self conciousness included in the mix. Its just horrible. But heres the wierd thing which i dont understand. When im in that state, there are certain triggers that automatically switch my mood and way of thinking. Like no matter how bad and down i feel, i can for instance think "ok, when i speak to that person im gonna try and be humble, speak clearly, and smile". So i speak to the person with those guidelines kept in mind, and that automatically triggers my confidence state and i automatically turn into this super hero and the most happiest, confident, and loving person ever, But sometimes its just not possible for me to maintain the smile and the humble attitude 2 mins in the convo, and that in turn throws me even deeper into that horrible low confident mood.Its like a vicious cycle of anxious thoughts from then on. Its really wierd and hard to explain. But when my confident state is triggered, i automatically get knocked back into my normal self and im able to function like a normal confident human, if you see what i mean. Also, i start thinking logically and life is just good. After the confident mood is triggered, i can go for a couple of days feeling good, but then i go right back to being a zombie. I really hope someone here understands me and i want to know if i will ever go out of this crazy cycle. I cant live like this its just not normal in my oppinion.|||I don't know exactly what kind of treatment you need, but I can tell you that it's possible to be very depressed and at the same time confident. I say that because there's a treatment that has been helping depressed people for generations. One of its basic principles is that no matter how lousy we feel we're still in control of our muscles. The idea is getting through the day as close to normal as possible. It may be difficult, but it gets easier with practice. The treatment was founded by a psychiatrist named Abraham Low. He created the self-help movement called Recovery. You can find out about it with the web site Abraham Low Self Help Systems.|||you'll be fine. why are you depressed?

what is making you so sad and unable to enjoy yourself? figure it out. fix it.|||ya I know what you mean I feel like a zombie as well =) =(|||Depression self-help

For teens:


Depression self-help


WebMD depression health check:


National Mental Health Consumer Self-Help Clearinghouse

(800) 553-4539


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. EST.

(800) 789-2647


National Mental Health Association Hotline

800-969-NMHA (6642)


National Child Abuse Hotline



  • 10 months ago

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