Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What am i supposed to do to make them STOP?

My brothers wont leave me alone. They beat down my door, almost broke it today and throw stuff in my room or knock down my art work, completely destroying it. They do this to get my reaction, but ive tried ignoring it and they just beat me?

They are my little brothers, and so i wont hit them. But everyone sides with them because of this? NO ONE will listen to me, they always play the victim. And then like today, they got me so mad that i started to yell, and then they run out while throwing shoes at me and stuff, start running around my sleeping sister while throwing the things, and then my oldest brother yells at me for waking her up. and my dad wont listen to me! I dont know what to do, so please give me advice?|||Hidden camera works wonders, but I think you need help. Try a teen helpline in your town. It sounds like your dad isn't able to handle it. Maybe you could live with an aunt or cousin for a while.|||Start taking what they throw at you, and just keep it locked up or hidden... this way they get pissed when they see that their stuff is missing... personally i'd start by smashing skulls... but if you hurt one they're likely to get the hint... you just need to stand up for yourself... whether it be by taking their things away... or just straight up telling a parent.|||oh my... well you know I have two things you can do bc this is indeed a VERY tough situation... okay so you can either fight back... or... I hate to even say this but... call the cops or CSB... if you call the cops tell them your being a abused by family members and your dad is doing nothing to stop it... and if you call CSB tell them the same thing bc they'll take it more seriously... but I recommending fighting back bc if your dads not understanding then theres nothing you can do... or set them up... I really dont know but I figured maybe my input would spark some ideas of your own... I hope things get better for you... good luck|||Put a padlock on your door. Make your dad listen tell him how you feel , if he won't listen put everything in writing and tell him how hard it is for you and you would like some respect from the brothers. If he won't do anything talk to a school counselor. But don't keep this pent up, talking is better than nothing.

Good Luck|||record them doing it on your cellphone or something of the like and show it to your dad|||It sounds to me like a lack of supervision in your house which is not good. But, unless there is physical abuse or sexual abuse from your father or somebody else older than you, do not call the police, I mean it!!!. My little brother and my son did the same thing to me, you just need to be strong, maybe go for walks. Something worse than what they are doing to you now it will be for all of you to be split apart and in foster homes. You are very strong, I wish you the best!!!

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