I am getting 3 impacted wisdom teeth taken out in a few days.
I am 17 years old and on oral contraceptives.
I will be under a general anesthetic and completely knocked out.
How long will it take for the swelling to go down?
What should I expect?|||i agrree with abbee dont mix antibiotics with oral contreceptives the hormones in the tablet dosent go well and u should be fine|||Probably a week and you will feel normal again...maybe sooner but expect a week|||hello;
I don't think you should worry about the swelling and pain. If you follow the post instructions right you will be in good shape. It also depends if those wisdom teeth will be extracted surgically. surgical extraction will involve more swelling and maybe some pain. on the other hand normal extraction should not be an issue. bottom line, follow the instructions very well, take your medications right away. DON"T take antibiotics with your oral contraceptives because there are studies that decreases the effectiveness of the oral contraceptives with antibiotics. ask your dentist and be aware of this issue. you will be ok with medications and post op instruction . good luck , i hope you feel better|||im 17 but i dont have to get them taken out yet, i dont know what oral contraceptives are but what does it do for ur teeth? dont worry my friend got his taken out and he missed a day of school, then was fine
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Can rough stucco be smoothed out?
I have some rough textured stucco on my house and want to knock it down a bit rather than completely re-do it. Is there a tool or process to do this and have it look decent?|||You can break/chisel off the rough edges. Touch up the paint to hide.
Defending against assault and battery case?
I was charged with assault and battery by a civilian. I am not quite sure how to defend myself in court, since I don't have an attorney.
Basically, at a small get together, my sister got hurt by falling through the ceiling 16 feet down. I ran up the stairs to wake my dad and ended up knocking someone down accidentally in the process.
Before anything else, this person had kinda supported themselves on their arms and began kicking at me wildly, mainly at the groin area. I reacted after being kicked several times by kicking the person in the legs one time. At this point, my dad came out and separated it all.
I went into my sisters room to see how she was doing ( she was completely knocked out by the fall before ). Upon opening the door and asking my sister if she was alright, this person came out of the room into the hall and began to throw punches at me. None landed, but after the second punch I had caught their arm, spun them around with it and used downward force to sit them on their butt. No additional force used and backed off from that.
As well, that person ended up calling the cops. Cops wouldn't charge me with anything, and not to mention I was in my own home. The plaintiff didn't live there. Also, cops asked that person if they needed a ride home, but refused. The person told the cops they didn't want drunk in public, and ended up staying several hours later that night. That person ended up walking home.
I figured this should be fairly easy to try, but this persons girl friend doesn't like me and I know when I get to court to expect to defend against some lies. I do have two witnesses, the other person will only have one.
My question, is how do I defend against this in court? Does the prosecutor ask my witnesses questions and in addition do I get to? Or does the plaintiff have to handle questioning without the prosecutor?
I don't think there will be a jury but rather just a judge determining this. If it helps, I could have crushed this person if I decided to use force. They are much smaller and weaker than I, but how do I convey my lack of force used?|||...you said that the Police did NOT file a charge against you...? Who is bringing the Charges...? (Subpoena the Police Officers who were at your house that night to testify in your behalf !) To have an Assault and a Battery, there must be an "intent" to do bodily harm... this sounds like a mutual affray... But sitting here and you there I cant glean a clear understanding how your being charged... Consult with an Attorney... the initial consultation is free... or talk;k with the Public Defenders Office of your County.
Basically, at a small get together, my sister got hurt by falling through the ceiling 16 feet down. I ran up the stairs to wake my dad and ended up knocking someone down accidentally in the process.
Before anything else, this person had kinda supported themselves on their arms and began kicking at me wildly, mainly at the groin area. I reacted after being kicked several times by kicking the person in the legs one time. At this point, my dad came out and separated it all.
I went into my sisters room to see how she was doing ( she was completely knocked out by the fall before ). Upon opening the door and asking my sister if she was alright, this person came out of the room into the hall and began to throw punches at me. None landed, but after the second punch I had caught their arm, spun them around with it and used downward force to sit them on their butt. No additional force used and backed off from that.
As well, that person ended up calling the cops. Cops wouldn't charge me with anything, and not to mention I was in my own home. The plaintiff didn't live there. Also, cops asked that person if they needed a ride home, but refused. The person told the cops they didn't want drunk in public, and ended up staying several hours later that night. That person ended up walking home.
I figured this should be fairly easy to try, but this persons girl friend doesn't like me and I know when I get to court to expect to defend against some lies. I do have two witnesses, the other person will only have one.
My question, is how do I defend against this in court? Does the prosecutor ask my witnesses questions and in addition do I get to? Or does the plaintiff have to handle questioning without the prosecutor?
I don't think there will be a jury but rather just a judge determining this. If it helps, I could have crushed this person if I decided to use force. They are much smaller and weaker than I, but how do I convey my lack of force used?|||...you said that the Police did NOT file a charge against you...? Who is bringing the Charges...? (Subpoena the Police Officers who were at your house that night to testify in your behalf !) To have an Assault and a Battery, there must be an "intent" to do bodily harm... this sounds like a mutual affray... But sitting here and you there I cant glean a clear understanding how your being charged... Consult with an Attorney... the initial consultation is free... or talk;k with the Public Defenders Office of your County.
What happened with the Undertaker ?
I know wrestling is said to be scripted but it's fun to watch. I remember that the Undertaker in the 90's seemed invincible.He had a creepy way of getting up when knocked down, he seemed almost impervious to pain,he was slow and menacing until the 2000's when his character completely changed and he seemed to be easier to hurt,he dropped most of his gimmicks(the coffin e.t.c),he became a lot faster,his finishers now included a modified powerbomb called The Last Ride and he lay down flat and got up groggily when knocked down.Was his (supposed) script changed or was it the effects of age?|||he got hurt.|||i think you have got that i bit wrong because he done the tome stone and he still does the same things|||The undertaker has changed his image over the years but I believe that it has to do with his age and injuries over the years have taken a toll on the undertaker. I still remember that he would ride to the ring on a motorcycle. Besides his age they change the script to accommodate the wrestler. For example, the rockers when the seperated they changed the script to accommodate Shawn Micheal's. I hope this helps.|||His soul has been seperated from his body, this is actually a temporary condition that has happened to taker before, and he will recover from.|||'Undertaker's gimmick was dramatically modified when he returned in May 2000 at Judgment Day 2000, inadvertently costing The Rock the WWF Championship to Triple H, in line with wrestling's change to a more realistic approach. His gimmick became that of an intimidating biker. Along with the gimmick change, Undertaker also began using the Last Ride (Elevated Powerbomb) as his finishing move, as opposed to the Tombstone Piledriver which had become synonymous with the Undertaker over the years. He was referred to as the "American Bad ***." Unlike many gimmick changes with little or no explanation, this was generally well-received by fans, since it reflected his real-life personality'|||Recovering from injuries. Should be back around November. He has a business partner and lately been buying real estate in Texas.|||hasnt lost at wrestlemania yet.....|||he got injured by mark henfy and tore his biceps|||Well he got buried alive by kane and then he went mad.and got all freaky.by the way he is leaving wrestling in spetember|||'Undertaker's gimmick was dramatically modified when he returned in May 2000 at Judgment Day 2000, inadvertently costing The Rock the WWF Championship to Triple H, in line with wrestling's change to a more realistic approach. His gimmick became that of an intimidating biker. Along with the gimmick change, Undertaker also began using the Last Ride (Elevated Powerbomb) as his finishing move, as opposed to the Tombstone Piledriver which had become synonymous with the Undertaker over the years. He was referred to as the "American Bad ***." Unlike many gimmick changes with little or no explanation, this was generally well-received by fans, since it reflected his real-life personalities.About the coffin you mentioned he was first burried alive by his brother Kane and when he came back he also burried Kane and then Undertaker became more powerful, he was hardly beaten and came back with more deadly skills.|||hes like 50 so i think hes having a break|||A combination of both, mostly age.|||probably the age of wrestling all the superstars sort of just grew up like hbk changed a hell of a lot. so that's probably what happened 2 undertaker|||his storyline changed in 00'. now he is more of a teacher and tries to beat up the disrespectful new guys. ex. mvp, mr. kennedy, etc. he will be coming back near survivor series.
A couple of weeks ago Federal Marshalls were chasing a fugitive who ran through my yard.?
In the process, this person jumped third fences in my yard. He cleared one, bent another and totally demolished the last fence, knocking it completely down to the ground, uprooting two thick wooden stakes and kept on going.
I called the police and got a report, took pictures, and then called my insurance company to report the incident. The estimate was $500+ dollars but I am responsible for the first $500.
My questions are: "who is responsible for fixing my fence, the federal marshalls or the fugitive? And if it is the fugitive, how can he pay if he is incarcerated? And do I have any other recourse to have these fences repaired that are not out of pocket expenses?
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.|||Wow. That really sucks. You'd think the marshalls would be able to take care of this but who knows? I know it's a cliched answer in here but I guess talking to a lawyer is the best idea.|||The fugitive is responsible for the damage. You will probably never see the money but he can actually be charged with vandalism or destruction of property.|||Talk to your lawyer if you feel it's worth it.
Why would the US Marshals Service be responsible? They are supposed to catch the guy, not pay for the guy's mishaps.
If anything the fugitive.. which I think he should pay. But the Marshals have no reason to pay, they were doing their job and they weren't the ones who did the damage in the first place.
Just talk with your lawyer.|||This is a legal issue. Consult a lawyer and/or your insurance company.
I called the police and got a report, took pictures, and then called my insurance company to report the incident. The estimate was $500+ dollars but I am responsible for the first $500.
My questions are: "who is responsible for fixing my fence, the federal marshalls or the fugitive? And if it is the fugitive, how can he pay if he is incarcerated? And do I have any other recourse to have these fences repaired that are not out of pocket expenses?
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.|||Wow. That really sucks. You'd think the marshalls would be able to take care of this but who knows? I know it's a cliched answer in here but I guess talking to a lawyer is the best idea.|||The fugitive is responsible for the damage. You will probably never see the money but he can actually be charged with vandalism or destruction of property.|||Talk to your lawyer if you feel it's worth it.
Why would the US Marshals Service be responsible? They are supposed to catch the guy, not pay for the guy's mishaps.
If anything the fugitive.. which I think he should pay. But the Marshals have no reason to pay, they were doing their job and they weren't the ones who did the damage in the first place.
Just talk with your lawyer.|||This is a legal issue. Consult a lawyer and/or your insurance company.
I'm having a tooth pulled down?! (Horrified?)?
I have this one baby tooth that is not coming down right, so they're going to drill a hole in the roof of my mouth, pull it down, then pull it over to where it needs to be, then wire it to my tooth. I'm am flipping out, vecause the surgery is in less than an hour. It's not the surgery, it's the freaking SHOTS. I've gotten (They didn't say laughing gas, it was this fancy scientific name) some gas, but i'm wondering, am I going to be able to feel these shots in the roof of my mouth? Let me tell you, every time i get thse shots it hurts MORE than a pinch (really sensitive mouth) . Will I be knocked out completely with the gas, or will I still feel pain? (Sorry if I sound panicky, i'm freaking out right now)|||When I was in third grade I had to have my upper, front baby tooth pulled cause the adult tooth was not making it come out. Then they put this wire thing on the adult tooth so I could have braces and pull it down, if you are using braces to do this it is not that painful. It takes some getting used to. They use this wire thing and put it through the loop and attach it to the braces wire and tie it so there is some pressure for a few days( you will want to take some tylenol or something). You will get used to it. Good luck and it will look great in the end!|||I had a tooth exposed when I was younger, the just basically removed the gum from around the tooth and placed a bracket on it so my braces would pull it down. they put me compleatly under with meds in a iv.|||my sister had that done and the only thing that was painful was the actual pulling down of the tooth later. are u having a chain attached to it cuz thats what she did... i wouldnt worry about it... if u have a good dentist you shouldnt feel the shots|||Well your dentist will probably numb your mouth with this gel stuff before they give you a shot
Can the engine timing be to advanced?
I have a 2002 Kia Rio. THe problem was I changed the head Gasket, but I think I put the timing to Advanced. It Takes to Much time to accelerate. Two days Ago I had my foot completely down to the pedal and it wouldn't accelerate more than 2000 rpm. Can it be the timing? Also there is like this pinging and Knock. Why?|||how did you adjust the timing? i'm pretty sure that's all set at the factory on a car that new
JD BYRIDER: car broke down 48 hours after purchasing!!!?
ok, about 48 hours ago or so i purchased a 2001 ford taurus. About 7 hours ago it completely broke down on the expressway! Started a loud knocking sound and all dash warning lights came on, then to my horror, as i started towards the shoulder to park it, it completely shut down!! My question is this.....I had to leave it on the shoulder of the expressway because i can't pay for a tow, so what if anything does the dealership have to do since i just drove off the lot with it 48 hours ago??? You would think they would help or something because this is unbelievable.. Are they actually going to tell me too bad, you bought it now its your problem?? I will be calling tomorrow but i feel like i need some answers now! I'm freaking out and cant sleep|||What does your contract say ?
If it was sold as-is, they wont do anything for you.
If it has a warranty, they might.
In any event, towing the car is your responsibility, not theirs.
If you leave it on the side of the road, the cops will have it towed and you will owe towing and storage, increasing every day.
Their website says " Plus, every one of our cars is sold with a warranty,* backed by expert service departments available exclusively to our customers."
So it seems you have SOME kind of warranty. JD Byriders "system" is to sell good cars and they usually have them checked out. But, most have different owners so there is no telling.
It may be a 50-50 warranty which might mean you have to shell out half of the repair cost as well as towing.|||Buy on old ford like that and you are asking for trouble. However, there should have been some warranty on it by the dealer, unless of course you live in a backward country or state that doesn't have consumer protection laws! If you can't afford a tow, then maybe can't afford a car either?|||What would u like for them to do? Tow it at their expense? Install a new engine? Pay for ur rental car? Pay for dinner %26amp; movies? Maybe they should also pay for ur mortgage payments too!
Seriously, you bought a used Ford crap without a warranty. You got exactly what u paid for..... an unreliable junk. Dont come crying now cause u make a mistake.|||Call the store directly. Cars from J.D. Byrider are all sold with either warranties or service agreements, with the most common one being for 24 months or 24,000 miles. While towing is not a covered component of this warranty, J.D. Byrider will not leave you in this situation - 48 hours after purchase. While we are not open 24 hours a day, as soon as we learn about this we can try to assist.
If the store is unable to assist you, or you do not feel satisfied, please contact J.D. Byrider's National Customer Service Hotline - 888.240.3595. They will take your complaint and make sure it gets to the right people. I am from J.D. Byrider Customer Service and my name is Michael and I can try to assist you. You can also email me at customerservice@jdbyrider.com.
Don't freak out. We will help you.|||I dont know about all JD Byrider locations, but I used to work for a junkyard that delivered a lot of parts to a mechanic that installed engines and transmissions for a particular JD Byrider. I couldnt believe how such a relatively small dealership needed so many engines and transmissions. JD Byrider always demanded the cheapest parts they could get and if we had an engine out of a high milage vehicle they would rather buy that then put a lower milage engine in a car for a little more money. They never cared if we brought them a transmission with burnt stinky tranny fluid (most mechanics would reject those, as they are likely soon to fail)
Anyways, in most states, a used car is sold as-is, where-is with no warrantee, but JD Byrider claims "No Vehicle is sold as-is" If they have any integrity at all they should be embarrassed that your car died so soon and do anything right to kiss your hind-end and make things right.
If it was sold as-is, they wont do anything for you.
If it has a warranty, they might.
In any event, towing the car is your responsibility, not theirs.
If you leave it on the side of the road, the cops will have it towed and you will owe towing and storage, increasing every day.
Their website says " Plus, every one of our cars is sold with a warranty,* backed by expert service departments available exclusively to our customers."
So it seems you have SOME kind of warranty. JD Byriders "system" is to sell good cars and they usually have them checked out. But, most have different owners so there is no telling.
It may be a 50-50 warranty which might mean you have to shell out half of the repair cost as well as towing.|||Buy on old ford like that and you are asking for trouble. However, there should have been some warranty on it by the dealer, unless of course you live in a backward country or state that doesn't have consumer protection laws! If you can't afford a tow, then maybe can't afford a car either?|||What would u like for them to do? Tow it at their expense? Install a new engine? Pay for ur rental car? Pay for dinner %26amp; movies? Maybe they should also pay for ur mortgage payments too!
Seriously, you bought a used Ford crap without a warranty. You got exactly what u paid for..... an unreliable junk. Dont come crying now cause u make a mistake.|||Call the store directly. Cars from J.D. Byrider are all sold with either warranties or service agreements, with the most common one being for 24 months or 24,000 miles. While towing is not a covered component of this warranty, J.D. Byrider will not leave you in this situation - 48 hours after purchase. While we are not open 24 hours a day, as soon as we learn about this we can try to assist.
If the store is unable to assist you, or you do not feel satisfied, please contact J.D. Byrider's National Customer Service Hotline - 888.240.3595. They will take your complaint and make sure it gets to the right people. I am from J.D. Byrider Customer Service and my name is Michael and I can try to assist you. You can also email me at customerservice@jdbyrider.com.
Don't freak out. We will help you.|||I dont know about all JD Byrider locations, but I used to work for a junkyard that delivered a lot of parts to a mechanic that installed engines and transmissions for a particular JD Byrider. I couldnt believe how such a relatively small dealership needed so many engines and transmissions. JD Byrider always demanded the cheapest parts they could get and if we had an engine out of a high milage vehicle they would rather buy that then put a lower milage engine in a car for a little more money. They never cared if we brought them a transmission with burnt stinky tranny fluid (most mechanics would reject those, as they are likely soon to fail)
Anyways, in most states, a used car is sold as-is, where-is with no warrantee, but JD Byrider claims "No Vehicle is sold as-is" If they have any integrity at all they should be embarrassed that your car died so soon and do anything right to kiss your hind-end and make things right.
EASTENDERS : Who else suspected this potential rape storyline from way back ?
Can anybody remember from slightly a while back when Stacey lightened her hair with a gothic type of look and was in the full blow of her unfortunate condition - how she had a confrontation with Archie in the launderette of which the scene was cut, but later, viewers saw her comming out, completely knocked for 6 ?? Did anybody instinctly suspect sexual assault and a later down the line development to this ??|||Had no clue it was him I was shocked!
Disgusting old man, I was so happy for Bradley to get one swing at him.
I wonder who killed him though?
So many suspects right!|||I was confused because the scene was cut. I thought the father would be someone from when Stacey disappeared for a while then came back but it shocked me that it was Archie! I never thought they did anything together, I just wanted to know why she was so scared.
Disgusting old man, I was so happy for Bradley to get one swing at him.
I wonder who killed him though?
So many suspects right!|||I was confused because the scene was cut. I thought the father would be someone from when Stacey disappeared for a while then came back but it shocked me that it was Archie! I never thought they did anything together, I just wanted to know why she was so scared.
Can our neighbours knock down our wall and trespass on our property to do it, with no notice or permission?
Our neighbours have completely demolished our shared brick garden wall at the back of our property, without notice, discussion or permission, and they trespassed on our property to do it. They claimed it was dangerous, and was falling down. This was not true, although the wall was old. ( Our property is owned by a Housing Association, and there are 8 communal flats.) They then used the open space to trespass regularly to and fro, mixing cement in our back yard, and doing renovation work in our back garden, to repair the rear wall of their shed, which also appeared unnecessary. They replaced the brick wall with a wooden fence, with the fence posts on our side, again without notice, discussion or consent. Who owns the new wall, and can we remove and replace it with a brick one ? Have they broken any laws, and if so, which ones ? What action can we as Residents or the Housing Association take, against them ? Their house is privately owned.|||The property you are in is owned by a housing association, report the matter to them. The boundary must be respected, and this will be detailed with the Land Registry. Stealing land must be rectified. If the wall was part of the property belonging to the association, it should be replaced by the person who demolished it, in its original position. I am sure the association would like to know about this, so tell them as quickly as possible so they can take action.|||Your going to have to consult your housing association on this one, because as you know when you sign into a community like this you sign away a lot of your rights. In any other situation you could get your neighbors for trespassing and destruction of private property. First go to the association and get the neighborhood rules in writing then consult a lawyer.
I'm sorry your neighbors didn't show common decentcy and plan changes with you. Good Luck|||If the wall was shared then it was a party fence wall and they should have consulted you and you in turn would then alert the housing association. I would alert them immediately. They had no right to demolish the wall or trespass on your property without your consent and under common law they can and will be prosecuted.|||do you have board of directors in the association? do you have by laws of the association, that is very impotant in solving disputes. it is also advisable to consult a lawyer for the case. if you want to make it very personal you can approach the owner and discuss it as gentlemen.|||inform the housing association, it's their property, their wall, they may have given permission without telling you (which they should have done). the housing association should send their surveyor to inspect the fence, property and take any action against the neighbours/builders.|||You can get free legal advice form the citizens advice bureau
http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/cabdir.…|||Don't get in fights with your neighbors. Since the land belongs to the association report it to them.|||Get on to your local councils planning department and ask them they'll be able to give you all the info you need .
I'm sorry your neighbors didn't show common decentcy and plan changes with you. Good Luck|||If the wall was shared then it was a party fence wall and they should have consulted you and you in turn would then alert the housing association. I would alert them immediately. They had no right to demolish the wall or trespass on your property without your consent and under common law they can and will be prosecuted.|||do you have board of directors in the association? do you have by laws of the association, that is very impotant in solving disputes. it is also advisable to consult a lawyer for the case. if you want to make it very personal you can approach the owner and discuss it as gentlemen.|||inform the housing association, it's their property, their wall, they may have given permission without telling you (which they should have done). the housing association should send their surveyor to inspect the fence, property and take any action against the neighbours/builders.|||You can get free legal advice form the citizens advice bureau
http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/cabdir.…|||Don't get in fights with your neighbors. Since the land belongs to the association report it to them.|||Get on to your local councils planning department and ask them they'll be able to give you all the info you need .
Is it wrong that I want to leave home for good?
I'm 22, never dated anyone, I have went to college, partied, lived in my own apartment, blah blah blah. I play the guitar and the piano and I want to do big things in my life. Where I live, it is almost impossible to find a job! I've been trying for two years now. I live with my mother, who always tells me how I act like this and that and I won't make it out there, I'm living in a fantasy world.. I mean I've got this hard working spirit inside of me and its been knocked down several times, but I never completely lay down, its a cold world I there, I know because I've lived in it, but I'm at my end with this one. I want to just save up money up and leave for another state, a big city, something. I'm tired of sticking around here, waiting for things to happen. I've always been alone, so it really wont hurt much because I am a person that is truly introverted. I write poetry, I have had jobs before, I have alot of experience. I'm just wondering is this what everyone feels when they go out on their own. I love my mom and I understand as the youngest she was to always protect me from my older siblings mistakes, but I'm not living my life. I'm stuck here, doing the same damn thing over and over again... I guess I'm just trying to figure out why does this feeling inside of me keep pulling me to leave because its a feeling that when I do leave I will figure out where my Destiny lies. I would love for someone's advise on this one.|||Wrong? No, it's not wrong to want it. However, you're not ready yet -- in a few ways you're not already aware of.
You speak of your destiny being "out there", as though it's a chalk outline of a body and a life that you need to slide into. That's exactly the opposite of the mind set a mature person living independently must have. You must make your own destiny, shape your own life and run it. Only then will it be your life, something you have to take the blame for but conversely have the right to take credit for.
Finish your education, save your money, and decide what shape you want your life to take. Then, take steps you can feel proud of to stay where you're at or move where the job you want or exploration you crave is at.|||No, it's not wrong. Look for a career in a place you'd like to live in, and chase your dreams. You'll regret it forever if you don't try.|||just do it. if you have nothing to lose, chase your dreams!|||its hard becouse you need a lot of money first :P|||It sounds like you've outgrown your home. This is good embrace it. Every person has there own path. You should feel fortunate that you realized it and don't fear change. So many people are afraid to leave home or even there hometown. Your just experiencing the beautiful part of life get out there and explore the world you wont regret it. I guarantee it. Figure out your dream and follow it. That's how you live a happy fulfilling life.|||I can only respond based on my perspective while of course considering the information you have provided. I would say that no one can answer this question for you and that more information is likely needed to make an assumption. If I were in your position as with the mind set I have, I would leave as soon as I had the opportunity to and move to NYC. I say New York because this is where I am from and it is very easy to get a job here. Anyone who tell you differently does not have much work ethic, they usually may apply for 2-3 jobs and then complain. If you are willing to work hard at finding a decent job and work hard at maintaining one then you can survive here and eventually even live. Rooms are also affordable. Live below your means and work hard simple. First consider the Pros and Cons and be realistic but never let anything get in your way. You have to take risk to succeed.
Sorry for the errors and bad grammar. Just my opinion.|||It isn't wrong to want to leave home "for good", but it isn't necessarily right, either. sounds as though you mostly want freedom from listening to mom. Let's look at your life now. You have went to college, but you didn't say anything about your grades, or how far you went. You don't have a job. You want to save up money, but you say nothing about having some saved up now, and you don't seem to have a specific city in mind, even. Just what is the same damn thing you do over and over? Do you wake up every morning and smoke pot all day? Do you sit around and watch Springer? You speak of a hard working spirit, but you say little about working hard. Talking a good game isn't the same as playing one. Just what do you expect will be different when you move?
My vote, dear friend, is to find a job. There is one there, if you look for it and ask for it and then show up every day. When you're self sufficient, you'll have a new perspective, and a real appreciation of your own abilities. Then your dreams will have some traction. A plan without a deadline isn't a plan, it's a dream, a wish.
You speak of your destiny being "out there", as though it's a chalk outline of a body and a life that you need to slide into. That's exactly the opposite of the mind set a mature person living independently must have. You must make your own destiny, shape your own life and run it. Only then will it be your life, something you have to take the blame for but conversely have the right to take credit for.
Finish your education, save your money, and decide what shape you want your life to take. Then, take steps you can feel proud of to stay where you're at or move where the job you want or exploration you crave is at.|||No, it's not wrong. Look for a career in a place you'd like to live in, and chase your dreams. You'll regret it forever if you don't try.|||just do it. if you have nothing to lose, chase your dreams!|||its hard becouse you need a lot of money first :P|||It sounds like you've outgrown your home. This is good embrace it. Every person has there own path. You should feel fortunate that you realized it and don't fear change. So many people are afraid to leave home or even there hometown. Your just experiencing the beautiful part of life get out there and explore the world you wont regret it. I guarantee it. Figure out your dream and follow it. That's how you live a happy fulfilling life.|||I can only respond based on my perspective while of course considering the information you have provided. I would say that no one can answer this question for you and that more information is likely needed to make an assumption. If I were in your position as with the mind set I have, I would leave as soon as I had the opportunity to and move to NYC. I say New York because this is where I am from and it is very easy to get a job here. Anyone who tell you differently does not have much work ethic, they usually may apply for 2-3 jobs and then complain. If you are willing to work hard at finding a decent job and work hard at maintaining one then you can survive here and eventually even live. Rooms are also affordable. Live below your means and work hard simple. First consider the Pros and Cons and be realistic but never let anything get in your way. You have to take risk to succeed.
Sorry for the errors and bad grammar. Just my opinion.|||It isn't wrong to want to leave home "for good", but it isn't necessarily right, either. sounds as though you mostly want freedom from listening to mom. Let's look at your life now. You have went to college, but you didn't say anything about your grades, or how far you went. You don't have a job. You want to save up money, but you say nothing about having some saved up now, and you don't seem to have a specific city in mind, even. Just what is the same damn thing you do over and over? Do you wake up every morning and smoke pot all day? Do you sit around and watch Springer? You speak of a hard working spirit, but you say little about working hard. Talking a good game isn't the same as playing one. Just what do you expect will be different when you move?
My vote, dear friend, is to find a job. There is one there, if you look for it and ask for it and then show up every day. When you're self sufficient, you'll have a new perspective, and a real appreciation of your own abilities. Then your dreams will have some traction. A plan without a deadline isn't a plan, it's a dream, a wish.
What happend to the true conservatives?
10 years ago I could go to all manners of public forums, both in real life and online and find plenty of true respectable conservatives to have a knock down drag out liberal-conservative debate with.
Sadly it seems that this breed is gradually dieing out. It seems a lot of conservatives have fallen prey to the neoconservative agenda with its radical ideas on civil liberties, foreign policy, and nationalism. The fiscal responsibility ideas of true conservatives have been utterly destroyed in a way that even the most extreme liberal couldn't dream of.
So what has happened to these true conservatives? Have they completely lost a grip on the Republican party?|||It appears that some people learn better.|||I am a true conservative who is fighting against the neoconservative influence on the Republican Party.|||The "true conservative" as you knew them have been over-powered by neocons, traditional conservatives, and the religious right.
The "true conservatives" as you call them are libertarians and paleocons that are denounced as liberals by moralists and neocons.
These moralists and neocons have indoctrinated their offspring into thinking wedge issues are what being liberal or conservative is all about.|||Society has changed quite a bit in the past 20 years. The public schools indoctrinate children from a very young age with liberalism. That is why conservatives are dying out....same as common sense, it is very common because people don't know how or want to think for themselves any longer.|||They are around. But not popular enough to beat the more liberal tax and spenders in the two parties. They will be back. A win by the socialists will bring back the conservatives.|||Yes they have,
http://theartoffreedom.blogspot.com/|||We are here and most of us never left. We also know we can't afford to buy the votes that liberalism was designed specifically to court.|||Conservatives learned how to waste money. Just like the old Democrats of the past.. But the " conservatives of the congress of now, know how to talk the talk, and waste a buck, and spend what they don't have.|||The so-called true conservatives have faded away pretty much. Conservatism has been identified with hatred and bigotry. Just like liberalism is associated with being weak and immoral. Maybe if just got away from labels a little bit we all can become true Americans, it's just a thought.|||So let me get this right, the Democrats have it all together. Is that your position with this farciful primary going on? How could the DNC take a pretty easy win and turn it into a party shattering death match between "the black guy" and the "woman" and in the end losing the Presidency.
Keep up the good fight cause me thinks this one is just about over. What you going to do about Michigan and Florida? Yup, you guys are really cooking right along. Maybe the super deligates will come to the rescue, cape and all. Will they wear super-costumes at the convention? I wanna see DemoMan.|||I've always wondered about the name "Conservative". What could they be conserving???
What would Goldwater have thought of these Neo-Conservative phonies??? These guys have betrayed every conservative value.|||The real GOP was lost right before Ronald Reagan came on board. I consider Dwight D Eisenhower a Republican.
along with Richard Nixon. Nixon was what he was, a common crook and thief, he made no bones about it.
Sadly it seems that this breed is gradually dieing out. It seems a lot of conservatives have fallen prey to the neoconservative agenda with its radical ideas on civil liberties, foreign policy, and nationalism. The fiscal responsibility ideas of true conservatives have been utterly destroyed in a way that even the most extreme liberal couldn't dream of.
So what has happened to these true conservatives? Have they completely lost a grip on the Republican party?|||It appears that some people learn better.|||I am a true conservative who is fighting against the neoconservative influence on the Republican Party.|||The "true conservative" as you knew them have been over-powered by neocons, traditional conservatives, and the religious right.
The "true conservatives" as you call them are libertarians and paleocons that are denounced as liberals by moralists and neocons.
These moralists and neocons have indoctrinated their offspring into thinking wedge issues are what being liberal or conservative is all about.|||Society has changed quite a bit in the past 20 years. The public schools indoctrinate children from a very young age with liberalism. That is why conservatives are dying out....same as common sense, it is very common because people don't know how or want to think for themselves any longer.|||They are around. But not popular enough to beat the more liberal tax and spenders in the two parties. They will be back. A win by the socialists will bring back the conservatives.|||Yes they have,
http://theartoffreedom.blogspot.com/|||We are here and most of us never left. We also know we can't afford to buy the votes that liberalism was designed specifically to court.|||Conservatives learned how to waste money. Just like the old Democrats of the past.. But the " conservatives of the congress of now, know how to talk the talk, and waste a buck, and spend what they don't have.|||The so-called true conservatives have faded away pretty much. Conservatism has been identified with hatred and bigotry. Just like liberalism is associated with being weak and immoral. Maybe if just got away from labels a little bit we all can become true Americans, it's just a thought.|||So let me get this right, the Democrats have it all together. Is that your position with this farciful primary going on? How could the DNC take a pretty easy win and turn it into a party shattering death match between "the black guy" and the "woman" and in the end losing the Presidency.
Keep up the good fight cause me thinks this one is just about over. What you going to do about Michigan and Florida? Yup, you guys are really cooking right along. Maybe the super deligates will come to the rescue, cape and all. Will they wear super-costumes at the convention? I wanna see DemoMan.|||I've always wondered about the name "Conservative". What could they be conserving???
What would Goldwater have thought of these Neo-Conservative phonies??? These guys have betrayed every conservative value.|||The real GOP was lost right before Ronald Reagan came on board. I consider Dwight D Eisenhower a Republican.
along with Richard Nixon. Nixon was what he was, a common crook and thief, he made no bones about it.
What do i have to do to become a member of SWAT?
Ive heard you have to be a police officer before but do you have to be selected for SWAT or can you apply How long do you have you have to be a police officer before you can go to SWAT?
I am not completely set on being SWAT i would go to DEA or ATF i just want to to be one of those guys knocking down doors in combat gear|||ATF %26amp; DEA both have their own regional SWAT teams.
In my city the SWAT teams (we have 5) rarely do entry work.
The district or unit tactical team that got the warrant does the entry work.
SWAT only does entry after waiting for 8 hours while they try to negotiate a bad guy out.|||Mature. A lot. You really need to mature. A lot.
Be hired by a PD. Work for 5 years. Establish yourself as a MATURE officer. Apply|||theres a training camp and u have to be very physically fit.
I am not completely set on being SWAT i would go to DEA or ATF i just want to to be one of those guys knocking down doors in combat gear|||ATF %26amp; DEA both have their own regional SWAT teams.
In my city the SWAT teams (we have 5) rarely do entry work.
The district or unit tactical team that got the warrant does the entry work.
SWAT only does entry after waiting for 8 hours while they try to negotiate a bad guy out.|||Mature. A lot. You really need to mature. A lot.
Be hired by a PD. Work for 5 years. Establish yourself as a MATURE officer. Apply|||theres a training camp and u have to be very physically fit.
Do anesthetics reduce your heart rate?
I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed later this month and will be knocked completely out using anesthetics. Most people are afraid of the pain after the operation, but I'm afraid of my heart failing during the operation. My resting heart rate is already very low (I've seen it go down to 50 or so) in a way that's somewhat directly related to anorexia.
Main question: Do they cause your heart rate to drop? If so, by how much?
(Please don't tell me to seek help for anorexia or anything like that.)|||you really must discuss this with your anesthesiologist, I believe that anorexia causes damage to the heart, so this is not something you want to take lightly. If you inform your anesthesiologist before hand of your condition, they can advise you on alternative options.
The cardiovascular systems of patients who undergo general anesthesia and noncardiac surgical procedures are subject to multiple stresses and complications. A previously stable patient may decompensate postoperatively, leading to significant postoperative morbidity and mortality. A substantial number of all deaths among patients undergoing noncardiac surgery are caused by cardiovascular complications.
Each year, approximately 30 million individuals in the United States undergo noncardiac surgery. Approximately one third have cardiac disease or major cardiac risk factors. Current estimated rates of serious perioperative cardiac morbidity vary from 1-10%. The incidence of perioperative myocardial infarction (MI) is increased 10- to 50-fold in patients who have had previous coronary events.
Cardiac risk stratification allows clinicians to group patients into various risk categories; therefore, low-risk patients can be spared further testing, whereas intermediate- and high-risk patients should undergo preoperative investigations and treatment to reduce overall cardiac perioperative morbidity and mortality.
I retrieved this information from www.emedicine.com |||Hi, I'm sorry to hear of your low heart rate, if you are going to be having anaesthetics to knock you out fully, the anaesthetist will have to give you a full check up, prior to the op, they will check your heart rate, lungs efficiency, pulse and a few other things, also you will be asked many pre-op questions, do not go ahead with any op, before being offered this procedure. Good luck.
Main question: Do they cause your heart rate to drop? If so, by how much?
(Please don't tell me to seek help for anorexia or anything like that.)|||you really must discuss this with your anesthesiologist, I believe that anorexia causes damage to the heart, so this is not something you want to take lightly. If you inform your anesthesiologist before hand of your condition, they can advise you on alternative options.
The cardiovascular systems of patients who undergo general anesthesia and noncardiac surgical procedures are subject to multiple stresses and complications. A previously stable patient may decompensate postoperatively, leading to significant postoperative morbidity and mortality. A substantial number of all deaths among patients undergoing noncardiac surgery are caused by cardiovascular complications.
Each year, approximately 30 million individuals in the United States undergo noncardiac surgery. Approximately one third have cardiac disease or major cardiac risk factors. Current estimated rates of serious perioperative cardiac morbidity vary from 1-10%. The incidence of perioperative myocardial infarction (MI) is increased 10- to 50-fold in patients who have had previous coronary events.
Cardiac risk stratification allows clinicians to group patients into various risk categories; therefore, low-risk patients can be spared further testing, whereas intermediate- and high-risk patients should undergo preoperative investigations and treatment to reduce overall cardiac perioperative morbidity and mortality.
I retrieved this information from www.emedicine.com |||Hi, I'm sorry to hear of your low heart rate, if you are going to be having anaesthetics to knock you out fully, the anaesthetist will have to give you a full check up, prior to the op, they will check your heart rate, lungs efficiency, pulse and a few other things, also you will be asked many pre-op questions, do not go ahead with any op, before being offered this procedure. Good luck.
How do i stop people from calling me names?
This is really stupid because i'm 14 years old and yet some people at school are still immature enough to call me names. They call me things like bear face which makes me feel really down about myself and knocks my confidence completely. I am quite a shy person already. I'm afraid to tell any of my friends because it's totally embarrassing. I have told them to piss off but that only makes them do it more because they know it annoys me. What should i do to make them leave me alone?|||I have the same at my school! But I'm in year 8. They call me Milk Bottle because I have white legs and they say I need a shave, I mean come on, It's a few people? There's billions of people in this world and I really wouldn't let two or three people get you down. It's not a fact is it? You know you're not a bear face and don't react to them. Just don't even look at them because the more you react to them, even just by looking at them, they will carry on. But even if you just ignore them and don't even look at them, you'll be suprised how they will shutup in the next few days because they know they're not getting any attention from you. You're better than them, rise above it. They're obviously stupid enough because they know they're not good looking them selves, honestly, ignore it, they're stupid!|||Your only option is to ignore them. If telling them to piss off makes it worse, it's because they think they are getting to you. If you show them you don't care, they'll stop.
%26gt;|||The best things you can do are:
a) Completey ignore them
b) Laugh with them
c) Come up with a comeback which makes you higher than them (this one can be risky, I'd stick with the first two if I were you)|||Let them know that you are seriously sick of their sh*t and if they dont stop return the insults. People who do wrong should get wrong in return.|||Spend more time with your friends, because being alone makes you more attractive to bullies. If that doesn't work do you have any pepper spray?|||Option 1: Beat the hell out of them
Option 2: Stop caring|||You should tell your friends as then they will give you advice
%26gt;|||The best things you can do are:
a) Completey ignore them
b) Laugh with them
c) Come up with a comeback which makes you higher than them (this one can be risky, I'd stick with the first two if I were you)|||Let them know that you are seriously sick of their sh*t and if they dont stop return the insults. People who do wrong should get wrong in return.|||Spend more time with your friends, because being alone makes you more attractive to bullies. If that doesn't work do you have any pepper spray?|||Option 1: Beat the hell out of them
Option 2: Stop caring|||You should tell your friends as then they will give you advice
5 year old boy being completely destructive.?
My son will be 6 in July. Over the past week he's knocked down a fence, smashed the neighbor's tomato plants, smeared mud all over the OTHER neighbor's garage, busted some windows out of the vacant house next door, etc. He's always been "naughty," but it's getting out of hand now. He's an angel when I have my eye on him, but the second I turn my back he turns into a destructive devil. I've tried taking away the TV, grounding him to his room, and guilt trips. Aside from beating his ***, I'm out of ideas. I don't know what to do. I don't want him to grow up and be a juvenile delinquent, which seems like a very real possiblity right now. What can I do?|||I do not know what to tell I am in the same boat as you with my five year old. I think it is funny how everyone gives you the spill about giving more discipline blah blah blah. If he is like mine he could give a rats behind what kind of discipline you use. These are the people who have those darling children and have no idea what it is like to have a strong-willed child. My advice is to hang in there and maybe get some counseling. My sons pediatrician said that she thinks he may have O.D.D. (Oppositional defiant disorder). Well we are seeing a therapist now so we will see. Good luck to you.|||I would make him scrub all the mud off with a toothbrush and a bucket of water. Replant the tomato plants, help fix the fence (if he has any money he no longer would as he would have to pay for things to be repaired replaced.
Then I would ask myself why my 5 year old is alone long enough to do these things. If you know he is like this he should not be out of your site. And ask yourself. Give him a damn good smack everytime he does this or in 10 years be visiting him in juvie every week???
You should also look into a parenting course so you get the help and support needed to whip his behaviour into shape|||It is summer and your kid is bored.
Enrole him in some sort of community summer camp to keep him busy.|||maybe he has adhd or a mild form of aspergers my brother is like that but in front of my mom or ocd check into that|||Give him hugs all the time for no reason and he will feel very much loved. you should also take him to do outdoor activities that are destructive but in which he cannot hurt anybody. this would start to make him get bored of these destructive activities and he will come to a complete halt. he will change but dont expect him to change that fast. And one question how hard to you beat his A-S-S?|||Take him to a Dr....get some meds and counseling...|||Guilt trips on a 5 year old? PLEASE get real. Your explanation of him always being "Naught" tells me a lot. Like he was never given any discipline as a toddler. He was allowed to be "naughty" rather than face the consequences of his actions. That certainly is not his fault. He is only a child and as the parent it was and is up to you to discipline him and that includes when he was a toddler. You have taken away something that was given to him without conditions..so of course he isn't going to care because he knows that eventually he will get it back. What does grounding to his room do? Nothing.
Why aren't YOU offering him more constructive outlets for his energy? He is old enough to be placed into Marital Arts, Day Camps, afterschool sports. He is bored and until you steer his engergy onto constructive outlets he is going to behave in this manner and pretty soon your neighbors will begin to take you to court to pay for your child's destructive behavior.|||You've got to discipline him more. How did you discipline him when he smeared mud? When he broke the windows? When he smashed the plants?
I hate to say it this way, but you've got to grow the balls/ovaries to discipline your kid.
Then I would ask myself why my 5 year old is alone long enough to do these things. If you know he is like this he should not be out of your site. And ask yourself. Give him a damn good smack everytime he does this or in 10 years be visiting him in juvie every week???
You should also look into a parenting course so you get the help and support needed to whip his behaviour into shape|||It is summer and your kid is bored.
Enrole him in some sort of community summer camp to keep him busy.|||maybe he has adhd or a mild form of aspergers my brother is like that but in front of my mom or ocd check into that|||Give him hugs all the time for no reason and he will feel very much loved. you should also take him to do outdoor activities that are destructive but in which he cannot hurt anybody. this would start to make him get bored of these destructive activities and he will come to a complete halt. he will change but dont expect him to change that fast. And one question how hard to you beat his A-S-S?|||Take him to a Dr....get some meds and counseling...|||Guilt trips on a 5 year old? PLEASE get real. Your explanation of him always being "Naught" tells me a lot. Like he was never given any discipline as a toddler. He was allowed to be "naughty" rather than face the consequences of his actions. That certainly is not his fault. He is only a child and as the parent it was and is up to you to discipline him and that includes when he was a toddler. You have taken away something that was given to him without conditions..so of course he isn't going to care because he knows that eventually he will get it back. What does grounding to his room do? Nothing.
Why aren't YOU offering him more constructive outlets for his energy? He is old enough to be placed into Marital Arts, Day Camps, afterschool sports. He is bored and until you steer his engergy onto constructive outlets he is going to behave in this manner and pretty soon your neighbors will begin to take you to court to pay for your child's destructive behavior.|||You've got to discipline him more. How did you discipline him when he smeared mud? When he broke the windows? When he smashed the plants?
I hate to say it this way, but you've got to grow the balls/ovaries to discipline your kid.
Help meee pleasee! Paranoid about stomach noises... any help?
It was during an hour long writing german mock exam back in January, we had only just had lunch and I had eaten quite a lot, so naturally my stomach made some noise, I was tense, so it was to be expected. But since then I have become very paranoid about my stomach making noises. After that german exam I still had a week of exams to go, so obviously now, instead of 100% concerntration on the actual exam, I was freaking out about my stomach. My stomach doesnt make an unatural amount of noise. But now I get so anxious about it, my stomach starts churning and I feel pretty sick. If its a quiet environment, (eg during assembly at school) my palms get sweaty and I can't sit still. After the mocks I had a school ski trip, and we were sharing rooms, the first night I didnt sleep at all because I was soo anxious about my stomach, nobody cared though, I thought it was a major deal, eventually I was ok. But now even when I am at home in bed sometimes, my stomach makes the occasional noise and I get really uncomfortable. I know its normal for your stomach to make noises, but there is something which makes me become even scared about it. I did have a phase in 2007 when i was worried about my stomach, but that eventually passed. I even get anxious in lessons when the teacher is talking. Ive read all this about IBS, and it makes me even more nervous. This whole thing has completely knocked my confidence down, this time last week I had a school concert to go to, on the way there I was so scared that I started shaking and crying. I mean I wasnt half as nervous when I sat at the back, but then when I had to go and sit at the front because I was in choir, I felt like I was going to loose control. I keep telling myself its all in my mind, and I am pretty certain it is, Im almost 100% it is. I have even less confidence then I did when I was 10, I am 16 now. Its so lame but I absolutely freak about it. What can I do to calm me down...? I have GCSEs soon, and some of them are even longer than the mocks... (eg english was an hour and 15 mins, but now its 2 hours) The mock exam of maths was hour and a half and it felt like hell, but I guess the fact I hadnt really revised much didnt help, so Im gunna revise a whole load more for my GCSEs. But I am so worried about it, Ive asked to sit at the back cos apart from freaking out about my stomach, I felt really clostraphobic, so hopefully that will help. I just need to keep clam but I dont know how to. I didnt have much confidence to begin with... and with the whole thing of growing up and etc etc just does not help. Lots of work, exams, getting a job, so much stress and I cant handle it. Does anyone else have this problem? I just wish I could go back to even the week before the mocks when I was absolutely fine. Not a single thing to worry about except the exam. TT_TT I do know what not to eat if I have an exam now, but even that doesnt stop it all the time (most of the time it does) but sometimes just the nerves make my stomach go crazy. AHHHH i dont know what to doooooo D:%26gt;|||I think that taking olive oil will help you. I had the same problems as you do and I came across a book on the internet that helps remove the noises, I got the tip about olive oil from that book but it has lots of other good tips. The olive oil will slow down your intestinal contractions and prevent your stomach from making noise.
Don't worry about eating fat, olive oil is good for you.
Don't worry about eating fat, olive oil is good for you.
Will illegal torrent/p2p sharing sites ever be completely destroyed, or at least severely icapacitated?n?
So I was reading about all these file sharing sites being taken down by lawsuits from the recording industry, movie industry, etc. The latest blow being the Limewire. But others in the past have been taken down, starting with Napster, Kazaa, Mininova, Morpheus, The Pirate Bay, etc.
So since the Music %26amp; Movie industries seem to be on the offensive against these File Sharing programs %26amp; sites, I'm thinking it would discourage new ones from popping up... I mean who wants to deal with large fines, lawsuits, or jail time?
So since it seems like file sharing sites are getting knocked down left and right, will torrent sites eventually be a thing of the past? It's still relatively easy to download movies now but it seems inevitable that these torrent sites will meet the same fate as the others.|||Yes, torrents will eventually go by the wayside.
But the technology for something else will probably be there by then. It will constantly evolve.
So since the Music %26amp; Movie industries seem to be on the offensive against these File Sharing programs %26amp; sites, I'm thinking it would discourage new ones from popping up... I mean who wants to deal with large fines, lawsuits, or jail time?
So since it seems like file sharing sites are getting knocked down left and right, will torrent sites eventually be a thing of the past? It's still relatively easy to download movies now but it seems inevitable that these torrent sites will meet the same fate as the others.|||Yes, torrents will eventually go by the wayside.
But the technology for something else will probably be there by then. It will constantly evolve.
Why didn't Liverpool have more pride when playing against Chelsea?
I know there was no way they were ever getting 4th spot and were probably feeling extremely s**t after being knocked out of 2 European cups, but seriously show a bit of class and at least try and play! Even Portsmouth who are completely down and out are still trying and winning matches!!|||Because there Scouse wankers|||They had and don't anything to play for this season. That loss against athletico drained whatever was left in them. It's been a terrible season all around. They didn't have the heart for the game when they started and then to see to Gerrard make that pass and give up the goal was the final blow. I wouldn't want to play after all that. Besides, do you think they could have beat chelsea anyway (with their current form)? Besides, the best spirited performances come from liverpool when they play in cups. This was a league game that had no benefit to them (lose or win). They are just overwhelmed by everything that has happened. They are thinking about the w/c and next season (with a new manager and w/o torres and gerrard|||You're kidding right? They played a hard game Thursday, not 90 mins, 120 mins.... then play against an inform well rested 7-0 machine Chelsea and Chelsea win in a hard fought 2-0.... the same score they won earlier in the season...
Liverpool had a VERY slim chance even getting a draw out of this game, they didn't lose on purpose, Chelsea deserved the win.... Liverpool wouldn't throw the game just because it may of handed the title to Man Utd....|||They did play well to begin with, but when your best player f*cks up and hands the opposition a goal, its tough to pull yourself back together.|||it was a friendly match. why don't you complain about Mick McCarthy fielding a weakened side vs MU?
At least Rafa used his regular starters.|||Coz they're Looserpool!!! HAHAHAHA!!
They're typical losers!|||your all missing 1 big point chelsea are far better|||World Cup coming! Don't want to get injuried!
Liverpool had a VERY slim chance even getting a draw out of this game, they didn't lose on purpose, Chelsea deserved the win.... Liverpool wouldn't throw the game just because it may of handed the title to Man Utd....|||They did play well to begin with, but when your best player f*cks up and hands the opposition a goal, its tough to pull yourself back together.|||it was a friendly match. why don't you complain about Mick McCarthy fielding a weakened side vs MU?
At least Rafa used his regular starters.|||Coz they're Looserpool!!! HAHAHAHA!!
They're typical losers!|||your all missing 1 big point chelsea are far better|||World Cup coming! Don't want to get injuried!
Whats the more impressive record set by Ray Allen?
Hitting 8 three pointers or actually choking bad enough to go 0-13 in a home game during the Finals?
Seems more likely to knock down 8 threes than to be considered the best shooter in history and go 0-13 just sayin. Now its like the 8 threes thing never happened because he completely voided it out last night.|||0-13 was the most impressive record I ever seen. https://twitter.com/bboydrifter|||Being known as one of the leagues best shooters in history I don't think was huge surprise set record for hitting most 3's in a game (maybe that it only took him 11 shots). Thing is knowing how good a shooter he is going 0-13 is much more impressive or BAD.|||seriously, people think he is a better shooter than Steve Nash... My boy Nash would NEVER go 0-13 lmao. Ray is good but I don't know what happened. Maybe his head wasn't in the game.
How come no talk about Kobe's struggles in the finals??|||0-13 definately. I didnt know one could play that bad, but ray allen impressed me with his terrible play
Seems more likely to knock down 8 threes than to be considered the best shooter in history and go 0-13 just sayin. Now its like the 8 threes thing never happened because he completely voided it out last night.|||0-13 was the most impressive record I ever seen. https://twitter.com/bboydrifter|||Being known as one of the leagues best shooters in history I don't think was huge surprise set record for hitting most 3's in a game (maybe that it only took him 11 shots). Thing is knowing how good a shooter he is going 0-13 is much more impressive or BAD.|||seriously, people think he is a better shooter than Steve Nash... My boy Nash would NEVER go 0-13 lmao. Ray is good but I don't know what happened. Maybe his head wasn't in the game.
How come no talk about Kobe's struggles in the finals??|||0-13 definately. I didnt know one could play that bad, but ray allen impressed me with his terrible play
Why would they put it down?
Do you feel bad for him?
Read at the Weird News site about this 14 year old boy who got hurt when he was trying to have sex with a female horse. The article said he took off all his clothes and went into the stable.
He was behind her of course and she knocked him down, and before he could get up, it stepped on his crotch and completely squisshed his wiener and both his nuts!
The boys family wants the horse put down (killed) for what it did to him! :-( I don't think the horse did anything wrong!!!
I know it must have been painful but what he was doing was disgusting!!! So I don't feel bad for him and think it's funny what happened to him. I feel bad for the poor horse, not the stupid boy!
Am I the only one finds this kind of funny and that he deserved it?|||Yes, you are the only one who finds this funny. The rest of us find your obsession with it disturbing. You really need some help.|||Oh no I agree completely :) Dipshit, it's what you get..dumbass..it's only natural people want to put the blame on others because they can't accept responsibility for their own actions. Just admit..their son was a dumbass and deserves it, problem solved.
They shouldn't win because the kid scared the horse, they KICK when they get scared or startled, DUH! So of course its natural reaction is to fight back..what a stupid kid...that'll fix him.|||Geez, just go buy yourself a horse sized dildo already and quit obsessing over and posting this question. Live out your weird fantasies somewhere else. We are tired of hearing about this bestiality. Yes, he deserved it. The end. No need to post every day.|||Why are you posting this every few days?
Yes the kid deserved it, yea its funny, and no I do not fell bad for the kid.|||The boy needs serious therapy. It is illegal for a human to have sex with a horse or any other animal for that matter!|||It should be illegal to kill the horse for something like that.|||How many times, under how many aliases are you going to post this question?|||haven't you already posted this question? i'll answer it any ways. i don't believe it. if a horse feels offended, he/she won't let you near him. the boy would have been killed. the horse shouldn't be put down. and why the hell does the kid's parents want the horse to be put down? the horse is the one just trying to protect
herself!!!??? the boy should be sentenced at least 9 years
in prison! and how the hell do you find that funny? it's a serious matter. what if you were the poor horse?
Happy Trails!
Read at the Weird News site about this 14 year old boy who got hurt when he was trying to have sex with a female horse. The article said he took off all his clothes and went into the stable.
He was behind her of course and she knocked him down, and before he could get up, it stepped on his crotch and completely squisshed his wiener and both his nuts!
The boys family wants the horse put down (killed) for what it did to him! :-( I don't think the horse did anything wrong!!!
I know it must have been painful but what he was doing was disgusting!!! So I don't feel bad for him and think it's funny what happened to him. I feel bad for the poor horse, not the stupid boy!
Am I the only one finds this kind of funny and that he deserved it?|||Yes, you are the only one who finds this funny. The rest of us find your obsession with it disturbing. You really need some help.|||Oh no I agree completely :) Dipshit, it's what you get..dumbass..it's only natural people want to put the blame on others because they can't accept responsibility for their own actions. Just admit..their son was a dumbass and deserves it, problem solved.
They shouldn't win because the kid scared the horse, they KICK when they get scared or startled, DUH! So of course its natural reaction is to fight back..what a stupid kid...that'll fix him.|||Geez, just go buy yourself a horse sized dildo already and quit obsessing over and posting this question. Live out your weird fantasies somewhere else. We are tired of hearing about this bestiality. Yes, he deserved it. The end. No need to post every day.|||Why are you posting this every few days?
Yes the kid deserved it, yea its funny, and no I do not fell bad for the kid.|||The boy needs serious therapy. It is illegal for a human to have sex with a horse or any other animal for that matter!|||It should be illegal to kill the horse for something like that.|||How many times, under how many aliases are you going to post this question?|||haven't you already posted this question? i'll answer it any ways. i don't believe it. if a horse feels offended, he/she won't let you near him. the boy would have been killed. the horse shouldn't be put down. and why the hell does the kid's parents want the horse to be put down? the horse is the one just trying to protect
herself!!!??? the boy should be sentenced at least 9 years
in prison! and how the hell do you find that funny? it's a serious matter. what if you were the poor horse?
Happy Trails!
Why do people hate Leon?
Why are so many people angry that leon won? Yes rhydian
was fantastic but Leon deserved to win just as much as him.
Isnt it sad how this country builds someone up and then
completely knocks them down?...|||I am glad Leon won. Rhydian has a great voice but people seem to have forgotten that he is a classically trained singer. I personally don't think he should of been allowed to enter the competition, because of this. Leon has had no previous training and has done so well. I just wish people would give the lad a chance. As for the complaints from Rhydian fans not being able to get through on the phone, it was the same for Leon, I tried a couple of time and was unable to get through and vote.|||I like Leon and I am glad he won.|||i love him...|||It's all just a farce, they've turned it into a Panto so what do they expect?|||because he cant sing|||he would never smile and was always crying|||Leon who?|||Heyah
I totally agree but i really wanted same difference to win soo you know what i mean but yeah i tottaly agree with the 'how sad it is that the country builds someone up and then knocks them down!!'
Merry Christmas =]=]=]|||If people hated Leon.. he wouldnt have won.|||In no time at all we will be asking "Leon who?"
Thank god the ghastly Welsh oddball Rhydian and his comedy hairdo lost.|||it's because he can't sing and rhydian is far more talented. leon will probably release his song then disappear off the face of the Earth and return to his old job!!!!!!|||I like him
I like the version of his song
And I like that he seems devoted to his mother
Good Luck to him I say !!|||cos hes a p**t on a c**p show which should be scrapped|||Personally I couldn't care-a-less who won, I didn't find the standard of the singers this year anything special as in previous years.
But you are right he doesn't deserve the knocking down!|||At the end of the day they will all be winners and I bet Rydian is signing contracts as we speak + same difference.. It is often the 2nd and 3rd place people who get most work anyway.|||because he is so average!
there are plenty of leons in this day and age
he will not last
rhydian was so different with his mild opera voice!
he truely was world class
and he truely had the x factor!!|||He won it fair %26amp; square base on viewers choice despite what people are saying about not being able to get through....I suppose there were supporters of Leon who couldnt get through too so that evens that one out. Rhydian was obviously dissapointed as any one would be but accepted it graciously %26amp; in the spirit of the competetion. He will still do OK as he is a good artist but I think he let himself down choosing to sing hymns %26amp; 'Welsh' type songs...... Good luck to the pair of em..... Though its nice to win the purpose of entering was to get noticed %26amp; hopefully take it from there....|||I'm not angry at Leon, i just think the votes were biased due to him being a Scot.
It should be about his talent and not his nationality.
I mean, lets be honest... No one is going to buy any music Leon releases after the buzz has faded.
I think he sounds great, but people aren't ready for a 1950's come back yet.
At least the kiddies would have bought Same Differences stuff for years to come or the classical lovers bought Rhydians stuff.|||i don't hate him hes a nice lad but he sings flat sorry|||because he cant sing|||im my views, there were so many other better singers than leon.. he put on a poor show sat. he has no stage presence..he's boring!|||im so glad he won,for one hes cute, two he can sing anything apart from one thing like rhydian,and three he had the better singing voice and im soooooooooooo glad he won yipeeeeeeeee|||I don't hate him but after seeing him interviewed he is a bit boring. Very dull. Maybe he needs time to come out of his shell.|||I dont hate him! i just think Rhydian deserved to win more than Leon!|||well because some people who don't like leon or prefer rhydian!. wanted rhydian to win - i didn't want rhydian to win.. no kneed to say leon is un-worthy he worked just as hard.
basicaly because in there oppinion rhydian was better.
oppinion being the key word.
but that's just my oppinion love it or hate it.
the voter's spoke and the majority voted for leon.|||I don't hate him, but I don't think he should have been in the final.|||Leon robbed Rhydian, Rhydian was way more superior in talent, Leon just got the vote for his looks, Leon is boring to watch and i hope Leona stays christmas number 1.|||EXACTLY.....Leon has so much talent and didnt need the trainig that rhydian has......|||Leona Lewis has huge talent, Rhydian has talent - Leon does not. He did not deserve to win at all.|||We All Love Noel..... oops...l mean Leon.Peace.|||scottish welsh or british they were all rubbish
was fantastic but Leon deserved to win just as much as him.
Isnt it sad how this country builds someone up and then
completely knocks them down?...|||I am glad Leon won. Rhydian has a great voice but people seem to have forgotten that he is a classically trained singer. I personally don't think he should of been allowed to enter the competition, because of this. Leon has had no previous training and has done so well. I just wish people would give the lad a chance. As for the complaints from Rhydian fans not being able to get through on the phone, it was the same for Leon, I tried a couple of time and was unable to get through and vote.|||I like Leon and I am glad he won.|||i love him...|||It's all just a farce, they've turned it into a Panto so what do they expect?|||because he cant sing|||he would never smile and was always crying|||Leon who?|||Heyah
I totally agree but i really wanted same difference to win soo you know what i mean but yeah i tottaly agree with the 'how sad it is that the country builds someone up and then knocks them down!!'
Merry Christmas =]=]=]|||If people hated Leon.. he wouldnt have won.|||In no time at all we will be asking "Leon who?"
Thank god the ghastly Welsh oddball Rhydian and his comedy hairdo lost.|||it's because he can't sing and rhydian is far more talented. leon will probably release his song then disappear off the face of the Earth and return to his old job!!!!!!|||I like him
I like the version of his song
And I like that he seems devoted to his mother
Good Luck to him I say !!|||cos hes a p**t on a c**p show which should be scrapped|||Personally I couldn't care-a-less who won, I didn't find the standard of the singers this year anything special as in previous years.
But you are right he doesn't deserve the knocking down!|||At the end of the day they will all be winners and I bet Rydian is signing contracts as we speak + same difference.. It is often the 2nd and 3rd place people who get most work anyway.|||because he is so average!
there are plenty of leons in this day and age
he will not last
rhydian was so different with his mild opera voice!
he truely was world class
and he truely had the x factor!!|||He won it fair %26amp; square base on viewers choice despite what people are saying about not being able to get through....I suppose there were supporters of Leon who couldnt get through too so that evens that one out. Rhydian was obviously dissapointed as any one would be but accepted it graciously %26amp; in the spirit of the competetion. He will still do OK as he is a good artist but I think he let himself down choosing to sing hymns %26amp; 'Welsh' type songs...... Good luck to the pair of em..... Though its nice to win the purpose of entering was to get noticed %26amp; hopefully take it from there....|||I'm not angry at Leon, i just think the votes were biased due to him being a Scot.
It should be about his talent and not his nationality.
I mean, lets be honest... No one is going to buy any music Leon releases after the buzz has faded.
I think he sounds great, but people aren't ready for a 1950's come back yet.
At least the kiddies would have bought Same Differences stuff for years to come or the classical lovers bought Rhydians stuff.|||i don't hate him hes a nice lad but he sings flat sorry|||because he cant sing|||im my views, there were so many other better singers than leon.. he put on a poor show sat. he has no stage presence..he's boring!|||im so glad he won,for one hes cute, two he can sing anything apart from one thing like rhydian,and three he had the better singing voice and im soooooooooooo glad he won yipeeeeeeeee|||I don't hate him but after seeing him interviewed he is a bit boring. Very dull. Maybe he needs time to come out of his shell.|||I dont hate him! i just think Rhydian deserved to win more than Leon!|||well because some people who don't like leon or prefer rhydian!. wanted rhydian to win - i didn't want rhydian to win.. no kneed to say leon is un-worthy he worked just as hard.
basicaly because in there oppinion rhydian was better.
oppinion being the key word.
but that's just my oppinion love it or hate it.
the voter's spoke and the majority voted for leon.|||I don't hate him, but I don't think he should have been in the final.|||Leon robbed Rhydian, Rhydian was way more superior in talent, Leon just got the vote for his looks, Leon is boring to watch and i hope Leona stays christmas number 1.|||EXACTLY.....Leon has so much talent and didnt need the trainig that rhydian has......|||Leona Lewis has huge talent, Rhydian has talent - Leon does not. He did not deserve to win at all.|||We All Love Noel..... oops...l mean Leon.Peace.|||scottish welsh or british they were all rubbish
What happened to the true conservatives?
10 years ago I could go to all manners of public forums, both in real life and online and find plenty of true respectable conservatives to have a knock down drag out liberal-conservative debate with.
Sadly it seems that this breed is gradually dieing out. It seems a lot of conservatives have fallen prey to the neoconservative agenda with its radical ideas on civil liberties, foreign policy, and nationalism. The fiscal responsibility ideas of true conservatives have been utterly destroyed in a way that even the most extreme liberal couldn't dream of.
So what has happened to these true conservatives? Have they completely lost a grip on the Republican party?|||It's true, fiscally - many Conservatives lost their way. They were behaving like liberals by expanding government, spending like Carrie from Sex %26amp; the City, and more social programs. The out of control spending primarily, is why Americans booted a lot of them out in the last election. They need to walk the walk of Conservatism if they want back in the Congress and the Senate.
The spending will only continue with a Dem in office.....but along with the spending - we'll be TAXED......A LOT...to pay for even more social programs.
That's why I'm really excited about John McCain, because he'll stop the unneccessary spending. He is totally against earmarks and all the xtras that cost us Americans millions of dollars.
Quick question though............what do you mean by "radical ideas"?|||what do ppl mean by neoconservatism?|||there are a few left uncorrupted. Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul for example|||Neo-cons shrunk true conservatism to the point where it could be drowned in a bathtub.|||With the appearance of H. Ross Perot on the political front.... America's political "focus" was on ending "grid lock" and "partisan politics". Of course, the problem just got worse as Bill "deny deny deny" Clinton was being impeached.
In an effort to appease the national outcry.... Conservatives tried to "reach across the isle" and embrace "compassionate conservativism". Bush worked on legislation with Kennedy (NCLB) and and other dems, and Republicans in general tried to BUY support and favor from democrats by abandoning their conservative values and moving to the moderate or "left of center" of politics.
OF COURSE.... giving up OUR values bought us NOTHING. Speaker Nancy Pelosi continued to (and bragged about) "uniting House Democrats to block 90% of Republican ideas"..... so much for "bipartisanship" and so much for "moderate" conservativism.
WE NEED to take a HARD TURN back to the right.|||There are a ton of us healthy, hard-working Conservatives around!|||I don't know if "dying out" is the right term. I think a lot of people support what I could consider "true Conservative" values (limited spending, limited taxation, less government interference, a strong military but not to be used for nation building, etc. . .) Unfortunately, there is no one who has captured the attention of the American people with their voice for these issues.|||We are out here, Sometimes you just need a "jimmie carter era" to come back to reality! That probably would be the only good thing if Obama gets into office...|||I suspect you have no idea what a "true conservative" is. You clearly don't understand the conservative point of view. You claim "radical ideas" but you don't list any. You've bitten off more than you can chew.|||What happened was that they were seduced by the dream that they could get something for nothing. That's what Ronald Reagan sold them and they believed it.|||Agnes..
First of all, there are two types of conservatives, They are fiscal and social. Also, one can be conservative in one venue, and not the other.
Personally, I feel my posts display a conservative tone. I know this because of the "thumbs down" votes I get from liberal apologists.
Also, you might be having trouble recognizing the fact that the line which separates liberals from conservatives has been moved by political correctness. This was made possible by spineless conservatives who accepted all the liberal guilt - In the absence of logic, your only weapon. I personally do not accept your false guilt.
Is this post what you were looking for? Do you feel better now :^)|||You're so closed minded there's no point in debating. Why bother? I'd rather try talking a wall into turning into a window.
After being subjected to the general liberal debate tactic of name calling and personal attacks we've been forced to hold our tongue to keep our sanity. We realize there is little point in trying to debate logically with someone who largely bases their positions on emotion. Say we were debating the Iraq war and I say "we need to win" and I point out why, I get comebacks like "Bush lied", illegal war" or "you're a fascicst a**hole".
As far as grip on the Rep party, I can't say. I'm fairly conservative and a member of the Rep. party but I don't agree with the entire party line and don't participate in it.|||perhaps you have drifted so far left that everyone seems to be to the far right of you.
Sadly it seems that this breed is gradually dieing out. It seems a lot of conservatives have fallen prey to the neoconservative agenda with its radical ideas on civil liberties, foreign policy, and nationalism. The fiscal responsibility ideas of true conservatives have been utterly destroyed in a way that even the most extreme liberal couldn't dream of.
So what has happened to these true conservatives? Have they completely lost a grip on the Republican party?|||It's true, fiscally - many Conservatives lost their way. They were behaving like liberals by expanding government, spending like Carrie from Sex %26amp; the City, and more social programs. The out of control spending primarily, is why Americans booted a lot of them out in the last election. They need to walk the walk of Conservatism if they want back in the Congress and the Senate.
The spending will only continue with a Dem in office.....but along with the spending - we'll be TAXED......A LOT...to pay for even more social programs.
That's why I'm really excited about John McCain, because he'll stop the unneccessary spending. He is totally against earmarks and all the xtras that cost us Americans millions of dollars.
Quick question though............what do you mean by "radical ideas"?|||what do ppl mean by neoconservatism?|||there are a few left uncorrupted. Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul for example|||Neo-cons shrunk true conservatism to the point where it could be drowned in a bathtub.|||With the appearance of H. Ross Perot on the political front.... America's political "focus" was on ending "grid lock" and "partisan politics". Of course, the problem just got worse as Bill "deny deny deny" Clinton was being impeached.
In an effort to appease the national outcry.... Conservatives tried to "reach across the isle" and embrace "compassionate conservativism". Bush worked on legislation with Kennedy (NCLB) and and other dems, and Republicans in general tried to BUY support and favor from democrats by abandoning their conservative values and moving to the moderate or "left of center" of politics.
OF COURSE.... giving up OUR values bought us NOTHING. Speaker Nancy Pelosi continued to (and bragged about) "uniting House Democrats to block 90% of Republican ideas"..... so much for "bipartisanship" and so much for "moderate" conservativism.
WE NEED to take a HARD TURN back to the right.|||There are a ton of us healthy, hard-working Conservatives around!|||I don't know if "dying out" is the right term. I think a lot of people support what I could consider "true Conservative" values (limited spending, limited taxation, less government interference, a strong military but not to be used for nation building, etc. . .) Unfortunately, there is no one who has captured the attention of the American people with their voice for these issues.|||We are out here, Sometimes you just need a "jimmie carter era" to come back to reality! That probably would be the only good thing if Obama gets into office...|||I suspect you have no idea what a "true conservative" is. You clearly don't understand the conservative point of view. You claim "radical ideas" but you don't list any. You've bitten off more than you can chew.|||What happened was that they were seduced by the dream that they could get something for nothing. That's what Ronald Reagan sold them and they believed it.|||Agnes..
First of all, there are two types of conservatives, They are fiscal and social. Also, one can be conservative in one venue, and not the other.
Personally, I feel my posts display a conservative tone. I know this because of the "thumbs down" votes I get from liberal apologists.
Also, you might be having trouble recognizing the fact that the line which separates liberals from conservatives has been moved by political correctness. This was made possible by spineless conservatives who accepted all the liberal guilt - In the absence of logic, your only weapon. I personally do not accept your false guilt.
Is this post what you were looking for? Do you feel better now :^)|||You're so closed minded there's no point in debating. Why bother? I'd rather try talking a wall into turning into a window.
After being subjected to the general liberal debate tactic of name calling and personal attacks we've been forced to hold our tongue to keep our sanity. We realize there is little point in trying to debate logically with someone who largely bases their positions on emotion. Say we were debating the Iraq war and I say "we need to win" and I point out why, I get comebacks like "Bush lied", illegal war" or "you're a fascicst a**hole".
As far as grip on the Rep party, I can't say. I'm fairly conservative and a member of the Rep. party but I don't agree with the entire party line and don't participate in it.|||perhaps you have drifted so far left that everyone seems to be to the far right of you.
I like to box but I'm not good. Should I quit?
My friends and I have been boxing in the basement all winter. We put everyones name in a hat and draw 2 out for a fight. There are usually 5-8 guys and 3 or 4 girls. I have fought 3 times against guys and lost all 3 badly. I have been knocked down in every fight and knocked completely out once. My punches don't seem to hurt the person I'm fighting and when I get hit I get knocked down. And the one time I got hit with a left hook on my chin and was knocked out. Anyway, my friend's sister is the best girl boxer, she beat all the other girls and knocks them down a lot - they wouldn't fight her anymore- so she asked me to fight her. We are about the same size (I am 5'8 140lbs, she is 5'7 110 lbs) and so I agreed. I actually thought I would have to take it easy but my friend (it was his sister and he is the one who knocked me out) told me she is better than me and hits harder. So I was trying my best. In the first round she jabbed me a lot. Everytime I moved forward she nailed me in the face. If I moved back she trapped me in the corner and hit me with body punches and hooks. But I survived the first round. In the 2nd round she was hitting me with body punches and i leaned forward and she hit me with an uppercut. I stood straight up and my legs went rubbery and then she hit me with a straight right and I went down. I got up and just tried to go crazy-swung as hard as I could over and over but couldn't hit her and then she stepped to the side and hit me with a right hook that knocked me down again. I tried to get up but fell face first and couldn't get my legs to work. Her brother counted to 10 and I thought I got up in time but he said I'd had enough. She told me I should quit boxing because I'm too slow and I can't take a punch. I want to learn to box better and show her in a rematch, do you think it's possible?|||Don't quit. Practice makes perfect. Try and go to the gym and practice on the punching bags there. I do it for my karate and it really helps. When you fight don't get angry either it just makes you lose control and it won't help at all. Also when you practice think FAST and ALWAYS concentrate on the person you are fighting and no one else. If you concentrate well enough and you focus you will only see him/her. Also watch who ever you are fighting carefully (when you are on or off the floor look at everyone) they have there own style of fighting. Note how they take advantage of of others faults. DON'T feel intimidated either. Hope this helps... E-mail if you need more help.
BelieverGirl|||of course its possible... just like anything it takes some practice and training. keep boxing. the skill will come as you box on.|||practice makes perfect|||dont quite just work harder and harder every day if you like then you shouldnt want to quite|||you should not quit. Practice more and you never know you might be one of the good boxer someday. Gudluk|||do it for 10 years then see if you still suck. everyone sucks till they get good! everyone!|||well it is more better if you asses first yourself. all the boxing greats had a special and natural talents. usually they got power of both endurance and punching power. 2nd you must have a speed. and one of the most important, you should use the brain in boxing, not just punches. true that practice makes perfect, but not all dreamer succeeds. it must be a natural.|||Marty... It sounds like you are fan of boxing but not a boxer. There are those who have a natural ability for the sport and those who THINK that they are boxing material just because they get into street brawls. I've been a part of the sport for over 30 years and wanted to do something about when it was way too late for me so I stick with the training and I'll tell you that staging fights in someones basement without proper supervision and training is dangerous. The brain can only sustain only so much damage before it starts to go out on you. The last thing you want is to walk around slurring your speech like your drunk all the time due to blunt force trauma to your head from too many punches. I've seen guys train like nobody's business for years but never evolved as good fighters so they become journeymen and sparring partners in the sport. If you really want to see if you have the potential to be a good fighter. Go and join one of the local gyms, get hold of someone who is willing to train you properly and teach you the dynamics of the sport. Ask a ton of questions that will help you improve your game. A good honest trainer will tell you right off the top what your potential is...|||Pugilists don't impress me.
Gettin knocked out doesn't impress your brain. It's not good for it.
Think of it like skateboarding. You shouldn't try dropping into a half pipe until your good enough to ride at least a small street ramp. Don't get into knock out style comp until you've sparred a bunch.
I used to have play fights with my mates as a kid. It was fun, nobody ever got knocked out and very rarely did anyone cry.
I learned martial arts. I wanted to be able to defend myself. This worked out much better that boxing would have and again I never got knocked out whilst learning.
Boxing is a "sport" and I think it's a stupid one. Sure it takes determination, training, talent and a willingness to get hit on but at the end of the day it's two people trying to hurt one another and I don't think that's impressive at all. I think it's stupid.
Lean a martial art. Trust me put three years decent effort into a martial art and you'll never have a boxer lay a hand on you again. What's more you won't get knocked out and you won't have to knock anyone else out either.
If your hearts set on boxing, go find a boxing gym (a youth centre should have one) get them to show you the ropes.|||Yes of course its possible. Height or Size doesn't matter. Its how much you want it. Why don't you attend boxing lessons, even for a couple of weeks, just so that the coach can improve you and give you tips. Consentration is the key, don't just run in all guns blazing. Do some workouts on your own, wieght training to help your core.|||go get a real trainer at a real gym. boxing is getting old MMA is in my opinion a much broader, but harder to learn form of martial arts. either quit martail arts or get a real proffessional to train you before you get hurt.
BelieverGirl|||of course its possible... just like anything it takes some practice and training. keep boxing. the skill will come as you box on.|||practice makes perfect|||dont quite just work harder and harder every day if you like then you shouldnt want to quite|||you should not quit. Practice more and you never know you might be one of the good boxer someday. Gudluk|||do it for 10 years then see if you still suck. everyone sucks till they get good! everyone!|||well it is more better if you asses first yourself. all the boxing greats had a special and natural talents. usually they got power of both endurance and punching power. 2nd you must have a speed. and one of the most important, you should use the brain in boxing, not just punches. true that practice makes perfect, but not all dreamer succeeds. it must be a natural.|||Marty... It sounds like you are fan of boxing but not a boxer. There are those who have a natural ability for the sport and those who THINK that they are boxing material just because they get into street brawls. I've been a part of the sport for over 30 years and wanted to do something about when it was way too late for me so I stick with the training and I'll tell you that staging fights in someones basement without proper supervision and training is dangerous. The brain can only sustain only so much damage before it starts to go out on you. The last thing you want is to walk around slurring your speech like your drunk all the time due to blunt force trauma to your head from too many punches. I've seen guys train like nobody's business for years but never evolved as good fighters so they become journeymen and sparring partners in the sport. If you really want to see if you have the potential to be a good fighter. Go and join one of the local gyms, get hold of someone who is willing to train you properly and teach you the dynamics of the sport. Ask a ton of questions that will help you improve your game. A good honest trainer will tell you right off the top what your potential is...|||Pugilists don't impress me.
Gettin knocked out doesn't impress your brain. It's not good for it.
Think of it like skateboarding. You shouldn't try dropping into a half pipe until your good enough to ride at least a small street ramp. Don't get into knock out style comp until you've sparred a bunch.
I used to have play fights with my mates as a kid. It was fun, nobody ever got knocked out and very rarely did anyone cry.
I learned martial arts. I wanted to be able to defend myself. This worked out much better that boxing would have and again I never got knocked out whilst learning.
Boxing is a "sport" and I think it's a stupid one. Sure it takes determination, training, talent and a willingness to get hit on but at the end of the day it's two people trying to hurt one another and I don't think that's impressive at all. I think it's stupid.
Lean a martial art. Trust me put three years decent effort into a martial art and you'll never have a boxer lay a hand on you again. What's more you won't get knocked out and you won't have to knock anyone else out either.
If your hearts set on boxing, go find a boxing gym (a youth centre should have one) get them to show you the ropes.|||Yes of course its possible. Height or Size doesn't matter. Its how much you want it. Why don't you attend boxing lessons, even for a couple of weeks, just so that the coach can improve you and give you tips. Consentration is the key, don't just run in all guns blazing. Do some workouts on your own, wieght training to help your core.|||go get a real trainer at a real gym. boxing is getting old MMA is in my opinion a much broader, but harder to learn form of martial arts. either quit martail arts or get a real proffessional to train you before you get hurt.
How can a child custody order be changed?
My fiance and I have full custody of his four year old son and have for a little over a year now. In the custody agreement his mother is allowed to have him for one week out of every month in the summer. Well she got her one week with him recently and the hard work we put into potty training him because he was difficult went completely down the drain. He is having accidents two to three times a day and when he was returned to use this weekend after spending time with his mother he smelled of urine and he has a rash on his legs and private area. Is there something we can do to get her time with him knocked down? He goes to her for his week with her the week before schoole starts and I want to be allowed more time with him so the school doesn't have to deal with his accidents. There has got to be something we can do till she can get her act together and take care of him the way she is suppose too.|||You need to explain to her exactly what she needs to do to attempt some consistency. Sorry, but I don't see a child custody order being changed over this. Your problem is with the child, not his mother. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been potty training at 4 years old. I sympathize.|||Take pictures and document everything and then you can hire a lawyer and go back to court. Or call child protective services and talk to them and get them to look into it.
How do I get the dirt off of my carpet?
I have a small cactus and my cat has knocked it down a few times. Every time before this, the soil wouldn't make a big mess at all. But this time, it's everywhere. How am I supposed to get the dirt off of the carpet? I know you can't vacuum it because then it'll smear, and i've picked up all that I can. It's not wet at all, it was almost completely dry. HELP?|||when i spilled coffee grounds on my carpet i used a damp cloth and picked it up by just pressing it into the carpet. and once i got most of it out i would get the rag all wet in soapy water and scrub the rest out. it worked well for me
hope i helped|||Hi,
Let it dry completely and vacuum it up - go for it!|||Use the attachment part of your vacuum, suck up the large debris continue until you get it up, then sprinkle with corn starch and vacuum with attachment again, continue until it is up. You will not use the beater bar so you will not be grinding it in. The corn starch allows it to slide off the carpet fibers.|||Here is a site that I would highly recommend. They have very high quality stain removal techniques. I would suggest repeating the process after the first application, and rinsing the rug out with cool water in between applications. Best of luck!
hope i helped|||Hi,
Let it dry completely and vacuum it up - go for it!|||Use the attachment part of your vacuum, suck up the large debris continue until you get it up, then sprinkle with corn starch and vacuum with attachment again, continue until it is up. You will not use the beater bar so you will not be grinding it in. The corn starch allows it to slide off the carpet fibers.|||Here is a site that I would highly recommend. They have very high quality stain removal techniques. I would suggest repeating the process after the first application, and rinsing the rug out with cool water in between applications. Best of luck!
I wanna knock down a wall!?
I have this wall that goes between my kitchen and what is now my dining room its opened on both sides so you and walk in to the room and in the middle is the wall but it has like a opening like a window kind of. well i want to take that wall completely out! now my problem is its a modular home and my husband says it cant be done... is that true? because i really wanna knock it down! Also the side of the house , i want to open that up to a new room make the house bigger on top and bottom. can this also be done?
thank you|||Is it a load-bearing wall? If it runs down the center of your modular home, chances are good it is load-bearing. If you remove it, the house may collapse, or at least the walls crack and the roof crack and you end up with leaks in your roof and water running in when it rains. (That's a very bad thing.) You might be able to modify the wall by leaving the big supporting beam in at the doorway, if that's where it is. Any smaller horizontal furring strips and plaster or hardboard could be removed. I've seen some modular homes with an exterior wall knocked out and a stick-built addition attached.|||Is a modular home the same thing as a mobile home? I know they can mean different things, but depending on the region they are often synonymous.
If this is a mobile home, you pretty much can't remove walls. Basically the entire structure is integrated engineering and removing a wall could compromise the rest of the structure.
If you don't mean mobile, then the answer depends. Sometimes they are build more like traditional construction and then just moved on site, others are more integrated.|||You cannot do it because you do not know the first thing about construction. You can hire a contractor to look at what you want to do and draw up a plan and give you an estimate. If the wall you want to remove is a load bearing wall then you have to find another way to hold the ceiling joists up across the span, it might mean installing a beam, and that is expensive. A cheap modular home probably does not warrant the expense.|||I was reading your question thinking, "well, what's she waiting for?" until I got to the bit about the modular home.
When you say modular, do you mean "mobile?" Because if you do, your house doesn't have any extra material in it. What I mean to say is, there isn't any strength to spare.
You're going to need to investigate carefully. If it's a load-bearing wall, I'd recommend against ever cutting into it. If the wall runs along the long axis of the house, parallel with the longest dimension of the house, I'd guess without seeing it that it's probably load-bearing.
This doesn't mean it can't be done - few things are truly impossible and this certainly isn't - but you need to do more research on your end. Call the company that built the home and talk to them. They can answer questions better than anyone on this forum.|||Anything can be done for the right amount of money!
If the wall runs lengthwise down the center of the home then it IS load bearing and cannot be removed unless you temporarily support both sides, remove the wall, and put a beam in place where the wall was.
I feel really sorry for the guy who removed a load bearing wall KNOWINGLY and drywalled over it and thinks it is going to last!|||I live in a mobile home. I've just removed the load bearing wall between the living room and dining room and the house is not only still standing, but looks much more spacious and modern. We supplemented the structure with new plywood sub floor under hardwood, and new gyp rock on ceiling over lapping the seam between the two section of mobile home.
The wall you are removing is somewhat smaller that what we've done, so I say Yes, you can indeed take out the wall between those two rooms. Have fun re-designing your space!|||It CAN be done, but may be a bigger project than you think. The first step is to determine if the wall actually supports the structure above it. If is does the support will have to be replaced. That can be done with a sufficiently sized beam and columns on either end of the opening. You really need a good contractor of structural engineer to inspect the building and determine what needs done.|||With the irritating wall. Take it apart slowly. You do not knock it down unless you are ABSOLUTELY sure that it is not holding up the ceiling, and there is no plumbing or electrical wiring inside it.
So you sneak a peak by pulling off the paneling from one side. With panels off you can see the framework sticks that hold it together. Yes it is going to be a fussy job (because you may have to keep that wall there so you want to rebuild it again as it was. I cannot say. My eyes are here. You have to make that determination yourself. Maybe seeing the folks who built the home have to say(as they have all the floorplans so would know if that is a load bearing wall or just a separation wall.. Making the house bigger can be done but you need to go to the city to get their OK and a permit to build. Also keep in mind where the sewer or septic field is (because you do not build on top of it.) Talk to a building contractor for this addition work is your best bet.|||Yeah it can be done your husband just doesnt want to do it but, ive learned that the moms are the real men of the house it can be done within earliest probably 3 to 7 days!!!!! oh and the room yeah it can be done know that probably small room=4days medium room=a week to 9 days big room= 2 to 3 weeks.
thank you|||Is it a load-bearing wall? If it runs down the center of your modular home, chances are good it is load-bearing. If you remove it, the house may collapse, or at least the walls crack and the roof crack and you end up with leaks in your roof and water running in when it rains. (That's a very bad thing.) You might be able to modify the wall by leaving the big supporting beam in at the doorway, if that's where it is. Any smaller horizontal furring strips and plaster or hardboard could be removed. I've seen some modular homes with an exterior wall knocked out and a stick-built addition attached.|||Is a modular home the same thing as a mobile home? I know they can mean different things, but depending on the region they are often synonymous.
If this is a mobile home, you pretty much can't remove walls. Basically the entire structure is integrated engineering and removing a wall could compromise the rest of the structure.
If you don't mean mobile, then the answer depends. Sometimes they are build more like traditional construction and then just moved on site, others are more integrated.|||You cannot do it because you do not know the first thing about construction. You can hire a contractor to look at what you want to do and draw up a plan and give you an estimate. If the wall you want to remove is a load bearing wall then you have to find another way to hold the ceiling joists up across the span, it might mean installing a beam, and that is expensive. A cheap modular home probably does not warrant the expense.|||I was reading your question thinking, "well, what's she waiting for?" until I got to the bit about the modular home.
When you say modular, do you mean "mobile?" Because if you do, your house doesn't have any extra material in it. What I mean to say is, there isn't any strength to spare.
You're going to need to investigate carefully. If it's a load-bearing wall, I'd recommend against ever cutting into it. If the wall runs along the long axis of the house, parallel with the longest dimension of the house, I'd guess without seeing it that it's probably load-bearing.
This doesn't mean it can't be done - few things are truly impossible and this certainly isn't - but you need to do more research on your end. Call the company that built the home and talk to them. They can answer questions better than anyone on this forum.|||Anything can be done for the right amount of money!
If the wall runs lengthwise down the center of the home then it IS load bearing and cannot be removed unless you temporarily support both sides, remove the wall, and put a beam in place where the wall was.
I feel really sorry for the guy who removed a load bearing wall KNOWINGLY and drywalled over it and thinks it is going to last!|||I live in a mobile home. I've just removed the load bearing wall between the living room and dining room and the house is not only still standing, but looks much more spacious and modern. We supplemented the structure with new plywood sub floor under hardwood, and new gyp rock on ceiling over lapping the seam between the two section of mobile home.
The wall you are removing is somewhat smaller that what we've done, so I say Yes, you can indeed take out the wall between those two rooms. Have fun re-designing your space!|||It CAN be done, but may be a bigger project than you think. The first step is to determine if the wall actually supports the structure above it. If is does the support will have to be replaced. That can be done with a sufficiently sized beam and columns on either end of the opening. You really need a good contractor of structural engineer to inspect the building and determine what needs done.|||With the irritating wall. Take it apart slowly. You do not knock it down unless you are ABSOLUTELY sure that it is not holding up the ceiling, and there is no plumbing or electrical wiring inside it.
So you sneak a peak by pulling off the paneling from one side. With panels off you can see the framework sticks that hold it together. Yes it is going to be a fussy job (because you may have to keep that wall there so you want to rebuild it again as it was. I cannot say. My eyes are here. You have to make that determination yourself. Maybe seeing the folks who built the home have to say(as they have all the floorplans so would know if that is a load bearing wall or just a separation wall.. Making the house bigger can be done but you need to go to the city to get their OK and a permit to build. Also keep in mind where the sewer or septic field is (because you do not build on top of it.) Talk to a building contractor for this addition work is your best bet.|||Yeah it can be done your husband just doesnt want to do it but, ive learned that the moms are the real men of the house it can be done within earliest probably 3 to 7 days!!!!! oh and the room yeah it can be done know that probably small room=4days medium room=a week to 9 days big room= 2 to 3 weeks.
My Kitten is pooing and leaving "skid marks" everywhere. How cna we keep him and our home home clean?
My kitten is 7 weeks old, unfortuntatly his mother (our family pet) was knocked down and killed 2 weeks ago. We have had to hand raise him, and was really chuffed when he started using the litter tray, but now has suddenly stopped.
Nothing has changed (litter / where it is placed). Sometimes he'll even walk past it and poo somewhere else. It is so hit and miss. One of my carpets is completely ruined, he's even pooed all over the hems of my curtains. All I do is clean cat poo up 20 times a day!! It does worry me though as I have a 5 year old son.
Another problem is we have 'skid marks' everywhere as he can't clean his bum properly. I'm wiping it down, and removing the clingers but I cant be there all the time.
We love him to bits, especially as he is the offspring of our beloved cat but I'm so frustrated and tired with it all.
Apart from the pooing issue he has adjusted so well and is a very happy and mischevious kitten.
Please help, my house STINKS and it never does!!!!|||His mother may have been killed too early, he never learned how to properly clean himself. As soon as you see his start to poop, pick him up and take him right to the litter box. If he is not cleaning his behind,try getting him a little wet. Anytime my cats get wet, they go into this cleaning frenzy,cleaning their entire body. He may learn then,to keep his toosh clean.
Be sure that you are STEAM cleaning the carpet where he is pooping. Cats have incredible noses, and I bet he is smelling his poop there, even though you hand cleaned the rug, and repeating the same behavior. You need to either rent a steam cleaner, or hire a company to clean it. This works really well at stopping cats from pooping in previous spots.|||Can you find a way to attract your kitten to the litter box, like a favorite toy or something else attractive? Another method is to use a spray bottle with water in it. Every time the kitten starts to poo anywhere except the litter box you spray him with the water. Then calmly pick him up and put him in the litter box. If he performs, reward him with love or a treat. Be vigilant, he'll soon get the idea.|||1. place the litter box in a small room: closet/ bathroom and let your kitten know its there.
2. try to put your kitten in dat room as much as possible because big rooms confuse cats on where to poop.
2. always take your kitten and place it in the litter box as soon as it wakes up or finishes eating and take its paw and show it how to dig.
I did that with 5 kittens that kept pooping all over the room, i couldn't leave anything on the floor. I placed them with their litter box in the closet and they started using it. Eventually i'd let them out more with the litter box.
this is perfect for you: http://www.kittencare.com/askKC_Litter_Training.html|||Oh, that's sad. First of all, make sure to keep his litter box extra clean. Some cats won't use a box if it has hardly any urine/feces in it. If you see the cat start to use some place other than the litter box, pick him up immediately and put him in the litter box. Pay particular attention to him after he eats, because that's when animals tend to use the bathroom. Try putting him into the litter box several times after he eats, to accustom him to it.
Make sure you keep a good carpet cleaner on hand. Oxyclean is a good brand, especially the type designed for pet stains. This will help eliminate the odor. After you've finished blotting the carpet and the stain is gone, vacuum over the area while it's still damp from the cleaner. This will help it clean deeper and better.
Finally, I would consider getting an older cat to replace his mother. You'll have to be careful to find a cat with the right temperament, but oftentimes older cats will help steer kittens in the right direction. If nothing else, the kitten can learn just by watching the older cat (especially where it comes to hygeine issues). You don't necessarily want a female cat, since they can be somewhat temperamental. Probably the ideal cat would be a young adult male cat (one that's been neutered) who's easy-going. This is what happened with my two cats: the older boy cat acted as an older brother for a little kitten I adopted. He's enjoyed the kitten's company, while also helping make sure he stays clean (actually licking him when necessary). That's your best bet for fixing the skid mark problem. Without an older cat in the house, it will be hard for your kitten to learn how to care for himself, even though you're taking very good care of him.
Good luck!|||There are several possibilities: You say that he is only 7 weeks old and was orphaned two weeks ago, so it is possible that his mother never had the opportunity of teaching him how to properly clean himself. If so, this is going to be tricky unless you can find another queen with a litter about the same age as your kitten who would become a foster mother. Many cats do this. She would then teach him all he needs to know about cleaning, using litter, hunting, etc.
Another possibility, since he seems to be pooing frequently, is that he has an intestinal problem. It may be causing him pain and in his little kitten mind he associates the litter pan with the pain. If he is wiping his bum on the carpet, it could be that he has an itch that he is scratching. A visit to the vet would probably be a good idea as he could dehydrate and die, or might have a worm infestation which can seriously debilitate him.
I had one cat who always used his litter pan until one day he pooped on a newspaper and sat there until I came to see what was going on. There was blood in the poop - he knew he had a problem and wanted to show me because he trusted me to do whatever was necessary. Perhaps your little guy is pooping where you can see it as a way of asking for help.
If it turns out to be that he just doesn't understand the litter pan, just pick him up and put him in it as often as you can and move his little feet to and fro. Eventually he will get the message.
Do other cats use the same litter pan? some cats do not enjoy sharing litter just as some people dislike public toilets.
As far as the stink in the house, a temporary solution is to use white vinegar on the area after you have cleaned up the poop. But you must get the carpet professionally cleaned - make sure you tell the carpet cleaning technician that it is cat poop - there is an enzyme treatment that the professionals use which is very effective.
Hope this information helps. Just do not let the problem go on for too long or neither you nor your kitten will be very happy. Good luck to you both.|||i know its hard to do this to such a little toot, but rubbing its face in it, well not literally but letting the kitten smell the poo and get a little telling off every time it happens did the trick for me. also my kitten wouldnt pee or poo in the litter tray if it was dirty, she would do it elsewhere.|||This baby lost it's mommy way too young. Does it have runny poop or hard poop? If it is very runny, this kitten may need some vitamins. What are you feeding it? I would purchase some kitten replacement milk and some canned cat food and start this baby all over. Keep it in a small room in your house, like a bathroom. Put it's food, water, and litter in there with it. Every time that it poops or pees, take a small warm wet wash cloth and clean it thoroughly. Lay it on it's back to do it, to show it how to reach it's bum. It will get very mad at you and not like it, but this is the only way to teach it how to clean itself. It does not have a mommy anymore to show it, so you have to take over being mommy. You are a teacher. Also, get some urine cleaner with enzymes in it. I know that walmart sell pet stain and odor remover at a very low cost. The enzymes in the cleaner will eat the odor and stain and it will completely destroy it. You will have to do this before you let the kitten back into this area, or the kitten will go right back there to use the bathroom again. You have to leave the cleaner wet for several hours, so you want to do this while the kitten is locked in the small room.|||Hi
Have you treated the kitten for worms? they do wipe there bums on floor with worms as they are irritating them|||Maybe if you moved his litter tray, that might do the trick.|||You have to pick the kitten up stick its nose close to whatever its done, poo or pee, and then take the kitten to the litter tray and put the kitten down in the litter tray each time you discover an unwanted mess I think you will find it will go back to its previous good behaviour. It may be a sign though that its not well cats are usually clean creatures so maybe get it checked out at the vet.|||*****Please just call your vet and ASK - it cost NOTHING to call and any vet is happy to answer questions over the phone at no cost. But also check out these sites
learn about this, and a lot of interesting things at these GREAT sites:
hope these are helpful|||Sounds like he's just doing it to wind you up. Take a dump in his basket, he'll get the message.|||I would get rid of it, mucky smelly thing. no more use than half a pair of gloves.........
Nothing has changed (litter / where it is placed). Sometimes he'll even walk past it and poo somewhere else. It is so hit and miss. One of my carpets is completely ruined, he's even pooed all over the hems of my curtains. All I do is clean cat poo up 20 times a day!! It does worry me though as I have a 5 year old son.
Another problem is we have 'skid marks' everywhere as he can't clean his bum properly. I'm wiping it down, and removing the clingers but I cant be there all the time.
We love him to bits, especially as he is the offspring of our beloved cat but I'm so frustrated and tired with it all.
Apart from the pooing issue he has adjusted so well and is a very happy and mischevious kitten.
Please help, my house STINKS and it never does!!!!|||His mother may have been killed too early, he never learned how to properly clean himself. As soon as you see his start to poop, pick him up and take him right to the litter box. If he is not cleaning his behind,try getting him a little wet. Anytime my cats get wet, they go into this cleaning frenzy,cleaning their entire body. He may learn then,to keep his toosh clean.
Be sure that you are STEAM cleaning the carpet where he is pooping. Cats have incredible noses, and I bet he is smelling his poop there, even though you hand cleaned the rug, and repeating the same behavior. You need to either rent a steam cleaner, or hire a company to clean it. This works really well at stopping cats from pooping in previous spots.|||Can you find a way to attract your kitten to the litter box, like a favorite toy or something else attractive? Another method is to use a spray bottle with water in it. Every time the kitten starts to poo anywhere except the litter box you spray him with the water. Then calmly pick him up and put him in the litter box. If he performs, reward him with love or a treat. Be vigilant, he'll soon get the idea.|||1. place the litter box in a small room: closet/ bathroom and let your kitten know its there.
2. try to put your kitten in dat room as much as possible because big rooms confuse cats on where to poop.
2. always take your kitten and place it in the litter box as soon as it wakes up or finishes eating and take its paw and show it how to dig.
I did that with 5 kittens that kept pooping all over the room, i couldn't leave anything on the floor. I placed them with their litter box in the closet and they started using it. Eventually i'd let them out more with the litter box.
this is perfect for you: http://www.kittencare.com/askKC_Litter_Training.html|||Oh, that's sad. First of all, make sure to keep his litter box extra clean. Some cats won't use a box if it has hardly any urine/feces in it. If you see the cat start to use some place other than the litter box, pick him up immediately and put him in the litter box. Pay particular attention to him after he eats, because that's when animals tend to use the bathroom. Try putting him into the litter box several times after he eats, to accustom him to it.
Make sure you keep a good carpet cleaner on hand. Oxyclean is a good brand, especially the type designed for pet stains. This will help eliminate the odor. After you've finished blotting the carpet and the stain is gone, vacuum over the area while it's still damp from the cleaner. This will help it clean deeper and better.
Finally, I would consider getting an older cat to replace his mother. You'll have to be careful to find a cat with the right temperament, but oftentimes older cats will help steer kittens in the right direction. If nothing else, the kitten can learn just by watching the older cat (especially where it comes to hygeine issues). You don't necessarily want a female cat, since they can be somewhat temperamental. Probably the ideal cat would be a young adult male cat (one that's been neutered) who's easy-going. This is what happened with my two cats: the older boy cat acted as an older brother for a little kitten I adopted. He's enjoyed the kitten's company, while also helping make sure he stays clean (actually licking him when necessary). That's your best bet for fixing the skid mark problem. Without an older cat in the house, it will be hard for your kitten to learn how to care for himself, even though you're taking very good care of him.
Good luck!|||There are several possibilities: You say that he is only 7 weeks old and was orphaned two weeks ago, so it is possible that his mother never had the opportunity of teaching him how to properly clean himself. If so, this is going to be tricky unless you can find another queen with a litter about the same age as your kitten who would become a foster mother. Many cats do this. She would then teach him all he needs to know about cleaning, using litter, hunting, etc.
Another possibility, since he seems to be pooing frequently, is that he has an intestinal problem. It may be causing him pain and in his little kitten mind he associates the litter pan with the pain. If he is wiping his bum on the carpet, it could be that he has an itch that he is scratching. A visit to the vet would probably be a good idea as he could dehydrate and die, or might have a worm infestation which can seriously debilitate him.
I had one cat who always used his litter pan until one day he pooped on a newspaper and sat there until I came to see what was going on. There was blood in the poop - he knew he had a problem and wanted to show me because he trusted me to do whatever was necessary. Perhaps your little guy is pooping where you can see it as a way of asking for help.
If it turns out to be that he just doesn't understand the litter pan, just pick him up and put him in it as often as you can and move his little feet to and fro. Eventually he will get the message.
Do other cats use the same litter pan? some cats do not enjoy sharing litter just as some people dislike public toilets.
As far as the stink in the house, a temporary solution is to use white vinegar on the area after you have cleaned up the poop. But you must get the carpet professionally cleaned - make sure you tell the carpet cleaning technician that it is cat poop - there is an enzyme treatment that the professionals use which is very effective.
Hope this information helps. Just do not let the problem go on for too long or neither you nor your kitten will be very happy. Good luck to you both.|||i know its hard to do this to such a little toot, but rubbing its face in it, well not literally but letting the kitten smell the poo and get a little telling off every time it happens did the trick for me. also my kitten wouldnt pee or poo in the litter tray if it was dirty, she would do it elsewhere.|||This baby lost it's mommy way too young. Does it have runny poop or hard poop? If it is very runny, this kitten may need some vitamins. What are you feeding it? I would purchase some kitten replacement milk and some canned cat food and start this baby all over. Keep it in a small room in your house, like a bathroom. Put it's food, water, and litter in there with it. Every time that it poops or pees, take a small warm wet wash cloth and clean it thoroughly. Lay it on it's back to do it, to show it how to reach it's bum. It will get very mad at you and not like it, but this is the only way to teach it how to clean itself. It does not have a mommy anymore to show it, so you have to take over being mommy. You are a teacher. Also, get some urine cleaner with enzymes in it. I know that walmart sell pet stain and odor remover at a very low cost. The enzymes in the cleaner will eat the odor and stain and it will completely destroy it. You will have to do this before you let the kitten back into this area, or the kitten will go right back there to use the bathroom again. You have to leave the cleaner wet for several hours, so you want to do this while the kitten is locked in the small room.|||Hi
Have you treated the kitten for worms? they do wipe there bums on floor with worms as they are irritating them|||Maybe if you moved his litter tray, that might do the trick.|||You have to pick the kitten up stick its nose close to whatever its done, poo or pee, and then take the kitten to the litter tray and put the kitten down in the litter tray each time you discover an unwanted mess I think you will find it will go back to its previous good behaviour. It may be a sign though that its not well cats are usually clean creatures so maybe get it checked out at the vet.|||*****Please just call your vet and ASK - it cost NOTHING to call and any vet is happy to answer questions over the phone at no cost. But also check out these sites
learn about this, and a lot of interesting things at these GREAT sites:
hope these are helpful|||Sounds like he's just doing it to wind you up. Take a dump in his basket, he'll get the message.|||I would get rid of it, mucky smelly thing. no more use than half a pair of gloves.........
How do i remove the trigger assembly from an old shotgun?
I am attempting to restore a 20 ga. J Stevens shotgun, the rust isn't a problem but I would like to remove all the internal action for further cleaning.It looks like they used pressed in pins.Are these just simply knocked out with a punch? I don't want to put any tooling marks on the pins,use brass punch? The gun is completely broke down otherwise.|||I have Stevens 410 it's about the same. Take the back plate off and then there's the screw way up. Remove this, the trigger assembly is the two or three screws that have to line up but be careful, when you remove them, they fall out. It's hard lining them up to replace them.
A hint. I couldn't after five attempts re blue with cold bluing, have a gun smith use hot bluing, it works much better.|||the pins are tapered look for a smaller end
use a brass punch
A hint. I couldn't after five attempts re blue with cold bluing, have a gun smith use hot bluing, it works much better.|||the pins are tapered look for a smaller end
use a brass punch
Is this normal mother in law behaviour?
My mother in law is a very interfering woman and has tried to cause a lot of trouble for me and my boyfriend (her son) during our relationship.
I will explain what she has done below. She's kind of gone a bit further than most mother in laws. But I just want to know if this is normal.
When we go over to her apartment for dinner, she always makes the nasty little comments when no one is around.
And then after dinner and in front of her boyfriend and me she asks MY BOYFRIEND to get up and massage her shoulders at the dinner table. This makes me feel very uncomfortable.
Is this normal?
Then when it comes to saying goodbye she hugs him for several minutes, grabs his backside (bum) rubs it. At the same time she always looks for me in the room and smiles.
I come from a very close family, but I would be sickened if my dad squeezed my backside, or asked for a massage at the dinner table.
Is this normal?
We see her quite often even though we live up North in England and she is in Scotland.
Here are some of the other things she does:
1. Shops for our flat 鈥?lamps, picture frames for every birthdays and xmas, tells my bf how it should be done out. If she does not get her own way, she will call daily until she influences him. She usually does influence him. But I then fight back so it causes us further trouble.
2. Every time my bf and I argue, she says the most unforgiveable things to him about me. She makes up lies about things I have said to cause further trouble, she runs me down completely. Knocks my ability as a future mother. Says I am with him for his money.
3. She calls him up as she does not like my choice of birthday present for her, or card. Even though I have gone to much effort. She does not want an exchange, she just has to point out it is not liked.
4. She tries to catch me out and make out I have spent too much money on something.
5. She tries to control our wedding plans, yet won鈥檛 contribute a penny. She has enough money to help out. Yet she wants about 20 of her friends at our wedding. Expects us to pay even though we can鈥檛 afford it. Also I don鈥檛 really want people I have not met at my wedding.
6. She says spiteful things about my family to my bf.
7. She is generally a horrible person. Always comments on how people look. Says people are ugly. She is very vein and spends so much time in the mirror. She always makes horrible comments about her son鈥檚 teeth, weight. Or how her daughter looks - every day. To the point her daughter has been to a councillor about her low self esteem.
8. She completely humiliates her own boyfriend in front of me. Says the most cruel things about him.
Makes me feel very sad for my bf. But he can鈥檛 see how bad she is. She cries when she doesn鈥檛 get her own way and makes her son think that she has done everything to try and get along with me.
In all of this I have never ever said a cruel word to her, or excluded her or been unkind. Yet I have argued so much with my boyfriend about her - mainly as he is sucked in by her.
Prior to meeting me, my boyfriend had another relationship (4 years) and his mother and his girlfriend hated each other. Their bad relationship was blamed on his girlfriend and they said she was horrible and crazy. The reason my boyfriend gave for breaking up with his ex was due to his mum saying she would be a bad parent in the future. I'm starting to feel that she was not crazy as it was his mother all along.
I鈥檓 starting to think I cannot marry into this family. What do you think?|||totally understand. if u love him and want to further relationship, then sit him down and a real long discussion with him. tell him that u cannot tell him what to do but u feel that his mum is interfering too much. however get evidence of it 1st or examples|||It sounds like some strange behavior coming from your boy friends mother.....I cannot believe she grabs his butt cheeks especially. My oldest daughter used to date a boy who's mom kissed him passionately on the lips, it sickened my daughter so much that she broke up with him, later he admitted she basically had molested him all his life....this does happen to boys too. Tell your boy friend you think it is unappropriate for her to grab his backside. Is he an only child? She definately needs the majority of his attention it sounds like. My mother in law did a lot of the other things you mentioned. It is hard to adjust to family differences that is for sure. I hope it all works out, some relationships just are not worth the challenge of dealing with their family...that is something you will have to decide, as we all know when we marry someone, their family is a part of the relationship also. He was raised by her and is used to this behavior and may think it is ok.....good luck to you!|||Do not marry into this family until he is man enough to break with his mother and only see her 2-3 times a year, or you will sign your life away!
Now you know what it feels like to be nagged by a female!|||this may not help but as i was reading this post i thought of a movie called Monster in law....it's funny....sorry for wasting your time|||I don't think the massage or the butt thing is normal at all. I get the feeling it was a shot at you - like she was trying to make you angry. Like a physical display of possession - a little gross considering she's his mother. That's more the kind of crap you'd expect from an ex-girlfriend that's still interested. I don't think it's so much a show of anything sexual though. She smiled at you, so I think it was just a shot at you and not something that she normally does.
I think she's possessive and controlling of her children. Like with putting them down all the time? In my opinion, this kind of thing is most commonly seen with couples. It's a kind of control tactic, a form of mental abuse. Like when a boyfriend makes his girlfriend feel ugly and pathetic so she will feel like nobody will want her, and therefore, will not leave him no matter how horribly she is treated. And that's what this mother is doing. She's making them feel bad and like they need her, so they stay and take this kind of treatment. I think they feel like they need to please her for her love. They're desperate for her affection because she's always dangling it over them.
I think you need to put your foot down. The next time she says something horrible about him, in front of him, call her out on her bullshit. Ask her straight up how she could not know that saying something horrible like that would not make him feel bad? When she makes a comment about how someone looks, tell her it's uncalled for and that she's not exactly a rose either. When it comes to your wedding, tell her she can have a say when she starts helping to pay for it. It's not her wedding, it's yours. Why the hell would she want her friends at your wedding? It just sounds like she's trying to make everything hers or at least is thinking like everything is hers (your wedding, your flat, etc).
Don't aim to hurt her or put her down. Just call her out on her bullshit (point out her actions). Your boyfriend will hopefully begin to think about these kinds of things more. His eyes will begin to open and he should see. He might not like what he sees, but he should see what's there.
If this doesn't work, and there's no changes with him, then I recommend you talk to your boyfriend seriously. Remind him that he's a grown man and that you're not sure any woman would put up with this degree of control and leeway he's allowing his mother. Tell him everything and don't hold back - remind him of all the relationships that didn't work out and how much of a 'coincidence' it was that his mother was involved in all of them.
If you can't get through to him then know that nothing will change. If you can't get through to him or get his mother to back off, then I don't think you should marry him. Not when it means marrying his mother as well.
I'm really sorry you're in this situation, and I hope it all works out for you. Good luck and best wishes.|||This is a taste of the family you are getting into,I was a mother inlaw I never meddle in their bussiness wedding or anything else.I was asked by my sons,future in laws to pay for things ,and we did .At first, they were to pay for everything ,but we paid for our guest.after a lot of changes went down in the next 2 years long story....They are nolonger together yeah I have a grandson who is suffering because they share custody.If we had a crystal ball to forsee the future,There would be more happiness in this world but we get that by chance Good Luck to you.And Do have a talk with your Fiance maybe he can do something about the Mother.|||I think I"d hold off on wedding plans. She doesn't sound like she's going to change, and your bf sounds like he's really under her thumb. It's true that you marry a family, not just a guy. Be careful with this!
I will explain what she has done below. She's kind of gone a bit further than most mother in laws. But I just want to know if this is normal.
When we go over to her apartment for dinner, she always makes the nasty little comments when no one is around.
And then after dinner and in front of her boyfriend and me she asks MY BOYFRIEND to get up and massage her shoulders at the dinner table. This makes me feel very uncomfortable.
Is this normal?
Then when it comes to saying goodbye she hugs him for several minutes, grabs his backside (bum) rubs it. At the same time she always looks for me in the room and smiles.
I come from a very close family, but I would be sickened if my dad squeezed my backside, or asked for a massage at the dinner table.
Is this normal?
We see her quite often even though we live up North in England and she is in Scotland.
Here are some of the other things she does:
1. Shops for our flat 鈥?lamps, picture frames for every birthdays and xmas, tells my bf how it should be done out. If she does not get her own way, she will call daily until she influences him. She usually does influence him. But I then fight back so it causes us further trouble.
2. Every time my bf and I argue, she says the most unforgiveable things to him about me. She makes up lies about things I have said to cause further trouble, she runs me down completely. Knocks my ability as a future mother. Says I am with him for his money.
3. She calls him up as she does not like my choice of birthday present for her, or card. Even though I have gone to much effort. She does not want an exchange, she just has to point out it is not liked.
4. She tries to catch me out and make out I have spent too much money on something.
5. She tries to control our wedding plans, yet won鈥檛 contribute a penny. She has enough money to help out. Yet she wants about 20 of her friends at our wedding. Expects us to pay even though we can鈥檛 afford it. Also I don鈥檛 really want people I have not met at my wedding.
6. She says spiteful things about my family to my bf.
7. She is generally a horrible person. Always comments on how people look. Says people are ugly. She is very vein and spends so much time in the mirror. She always makes horrible comments about her son鈥檚 teeth, weight. Or how her daughter looks - every day. To the point her daughter has been to a councillor about her low self esteem.
8. She completely humiliates her own boyfriend in front of me. Says the most cruel things about him.
Makes me feel very sad for my bf. But he can鈥檛 see how bad she is. She cries when she doesn鈥檛 get her own way and makes her son think that she has done everything to try and get along with me.
In all of this I have never ever said a cruel word to her, or excluded her or been unkind. Yet I have argued so much with my boyfriend about her - mainly as he is sucked in by her.
Prior to meeting me, my boyfriend had another relationship (4 years) and his mother and his girlfriend hated each other. Their bad relationship was blamed on his girlfriend and they said she was horrible and crazy. The reason my boyfriend gave for breaking up with his ex was due to his mum saying she would be a bad parent in the future. I'm starting to feel that she was not crazy as it was his mother all along.
I鈥檓 starting to think I cannot marry into this family. What do you think?|||totally understand. if u love him and want to further relationship, then sit him down and a real long discussion with him. tell him that u cannot tell him what to do but u feel that his mum is interfering too much. however get evidence of it 1st or examples|||It sounds like some strange behavior coming from your boy friends mother.....I cannot believe she grabs his butt cheeks especially. My oldest daughter used to date a boy who's mom kissed him passionately on the lips, it sickened my daughter so much that she broke up with him, later he admitted she basically had molested him all his life....this does happen to boys too. Tell your boy friend you think it is unappropriate for her to grab his backside. Is he an only child? She definately needs the majority of his attention it sounds like. My mother in law did a lot of the other things you mentioned. It is hard to adjust to family differences that is for sure. I hope it all works out, some relationships just are not worth the challenge of dealing with their family...that is something you will have to decide, as we all know when we marry someone, their family is a part of the relationship also. He was raised by her and is used to this behavior and may think it is ok.....good luck to you!|||Do not marry into this family until he is man enough to break with his mother and only see her 2-3 times a year, or you will sign your life away!
Now you know what it feels like to be nagged by a female!|||this may not help but as i was reading this post i thought of a movie called Monster in law....it's funny....sorry for wasting your time|||I don't think the massage or the butt thing is normal at all. I get the feeling it was a shot at you - like she was trying to make you angry. Like a physical display of possession - a little gross considering she's his mother. That's more the kind of crap you'd expect from an ex-girlfriend that's still interested. I don't think it's so much a show of anything sexual though. She smiled at you, so I think it was just a shot at you and not something that she normally does.
I think she's possessive and controlling of her children. Like with putting them down all the time? In my opinion, this kind of thing is most commonly seen with couples. It's a kind of control tactic, a form of mental abuse. Like when a boyfriend makes his girlfriend feel ugly and pathetic so she will feel like nobody will want her, and therefore, will not leave him no matter how horribly she is treated. And that's what this mother is doing. She's making them feel bad and like they need her, so they stay and take this kind of treatment. I think they feel like they need to please her for her love. They're desperate for her affection because she's always dangling it over them.
I think you need to put your foot down. The next time she says something horrible about him, in front of him, call her out on her bullshit. Ask her straight up how she could not know that saying something horrible like that would not make him feel bad? When she makes a comment about how someone looks, tell her it's uncalled for and that she's not exactly a rose either. When it comes to your wedding, tell her she can have a say when she starts helping to pay for it. It's not her wedding, it's yours. Why the hell would she want her friends at your wedding? It just sounds like she's trying to make everything hers or at least is thinking like everything is hers (your wedding, your flat, etc).
Don't aim to hurt her or put her down. Just call her out on her bullshit (point out her actions). Your boyfriend will hopefully begin to think about these kinds of things more. His eyes will begin to open and he should see. He might not like what he sees, but he should see what's there.
If this doesn't work, and there's no changes with him, then I recommend you talk to your boyfriend seriously. Remind him that he's a grown man and that you're not sure any woman would put up with this degree of control and leeway he's allowing his mother. Tell him everything and don't hold back - remind him of all the relationships that didn't work out and how much of a 'coincidence' it was that his mother was involved in all of them.
If you can't get through to him then know that nothing will change. If you can't get through to him or get his mother to back off, then I don't think you should marry him. Not when it means marrying his mother as well.
I'm really sorry you're in this situation, and I hope it all works out for you. Good luck and best wishes.|||This is a taste of the family you are getting into,I was a mother inlaw I never meddle in their bussiness wedding or anything else.I was asked by my sons,future in laws to pay for things ,and we did .At first, they were to pay for everything ,but we paid for our guest.after a lot of changes went down in the next 2 years long story....They are nolonger together yeah I have a grandson who is suffering because they share custody.If we had a crystal ball to forsee the future,There would be more happiness in this world but we get that by chance Good Luck to you.And Do have a talk with your Fiance maybe he can do something about the Mother.|||I think I"d hold off on wedding plans. She doesn't sound like she's going to change, and your bf sounds like he's really under her thumb. It's true that you marry a family, not just a guy. Be careful with this!
How can I remove or modify stucco on interior (gypboard) walls?
We have some remodeling to do in our decorated-in-the-late-70s family room. One long wall is completely covered in stucco, and severely nicotine-stained. (Yuck.) An idea I have is to knock down some of the texture of the stucco possibly by wetting it and scraping it with a scraper, and then sanding. Then we will have to cover it with Kilz and paint. Has anyone out there ever successfully (or unsuccessfully, for that matter) done anything like this? I'm sure it will be a dusty mess, but will it work? My goal is to have maybe slightly textured walls, but not with that stucco look. The only other option is re-drywalling and that would be a big project.|||We did an entire room with an electric palm sander. It worked but not sure I would do it again. If you are going to go with a smoother texture, you wouldn't have to get it completely smooth however so that would make it a lot easier. I personally would skip the water idea. Just be sure and wear resperators or dust masks at least. That stuff is not good for your lungs.|||from exp. if you only want to cover the nicotine invest in a gallon of stain killer KILLZ then repaint if you dont like the stucco texturethen just hang rock {drywall} over it much cleaner,less expensive and simpler
|||I have a condo that formerly had 900 square feet of stucco ceilings. It was the same, nicotine stained and it actually had been "pulled" up to 1 inch in places so it looked like 1 inch stalactites. I searched for 2 years and asked many builders, drywallers and painters before I came up with a solution myself.
The way I got mine off is by using a 2 inch wide very very heavy WOOD CHISEL about 2 foot long. I found one that weights about 12 lbs but has a very sharp point. It cut it off like butter.
I did it dry and it was very dusty. So get a good shop vacuum before you start and be sure to cover important stuff like TVs and electronics.
Afterward, you will probably have to skim coat some of the rough spots (I tore the paper in places) with drywall compound and then prime with drywall primer before painting.
I now have perfectly smooth ceilings.
I assume this would work for "popcorn" ceilings also.
Good luck.|||a scrapper is probably a worse way to aproach. scrub your walls w/ tsp unless you don't like the finish. sand w/120 grit and have a vacum/wet towels handy. lightly re-coat w/ hot mud, prime ,paint, and walah|||Either way it's going to be a big project.I would redrywall myself.
But definetly wear protective masks,and if you have children make sure they are gone for this,there lungs are very sensitive.|||It would be easier, faster and have a much better finish to remove and replace with new drywall.|||hopefully your not actually dealing with real "stucco" (which is normally used on the outside of houses) but instead what they call drywall texture. it can be quite easily sanded off with a vibrating or orbital type sander yes as noted it makes lots of dust but is not anywhere near as hard as removing and replacing the drywall
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|||I have a condo that formerly had 900 square feet of stucco ceilings. It was the same, nicotine stained and it actually had been "pulled" up to 1 inch in places so it looked like 1 inch stalactites. I searched for 2 years and asked many builders, drywallers and painters before I came up with a solution myself.
The way I got mine off is by using a 2 inch wide very very heavy WOOD CHISEL about 2 foot long. I found one that weights about 12 lbs but has a very sharp point. It cut it off like butter.
I did it dry and it was very dusty. So get a good shop vacuum before you start and be sure to cover important stuff like TVs and electronics.
Afterward, you will probably have to skim coat some of the rough spots (I tore the paper in places) with drywall compound and then prime with drywall primer before painting.
I now have perfectly smooth ceilings.
I assume this would work for "popcorn" ceilings also.
Good luck.|||a scrapper is probably a worse way to aproach. scrub your walls w/ tsp unless you don't like the finish. sand w/120 grit and have a vacum/wet towels handy. lightly re-coat w/ hot mud, prime ,paint, and walah|||Either way it's going to be a big project.I would redrywall myself.
But definetly wear protective masks,and if you have children make sure they are gone for this,there lungs are very sensitive.|||It would be easier, faster and have a much better finish to remove and replace with new drywall.|||hopefully your not actually dealing with real "stucco" (which is normally used on the outside of houses) but instead what they call drywall texture. it can be quite easily sanded off with a vibrating or orbital type sander yes as noted it makes lots of dust but is not anywhere near as hard as removing and replacing the drywall
How do I renovate my center fireplace?
When you walk through the front entrance door, the back of my fireplace is what you see. As you walk though (and around the fireplace), you move into my main area, the living room. I am completely renovating my house and believe that since this is the center of my house, I should remodel it first. Built in the 80's, it's all brick until you hit the cellings. I would love to update it but not sure how. Do I knock down all the brick or build and add plywood and tile to the outside? Just really, really needing some assistance.... Thank you!|||OMG I wouldn't take down the brick, that's too much work.
If you want a smooth surface for the top, frame out the area with wood and cover with drywall, then paint.
If you want to cover it all with a more modern rock then look at this site: http://www.capbrick.com/stone_overlay.ht鈥?/a>
You can also tile over the brick.
Before you get busy with the sledge hammer, maybe you should do a little research online at some fireplace remodeling.
Good luck!!!|||I have the same problem. As soon as you enter the front door you face the back of the fireplace. I have space open on the right and left. What the people did before was cover the entire back side and extend it to the right wall of the house to create a peninsula from the right. I knocked it down and now have the same problem your having. I'm just going to point the bricks and put a huge mirror on the back and put decorative shelving which could reach from the side of the fireplace to the wall. Call it a day and it's inexpensive. If you find out any other good ideas just let me know.
Thanks.|||Good finance question! I know of an organization that gives up to $1500 to people to help them with their rent or mortgage. It's available in most US cities, I highly suggest you check it out.
Best of Luck.
If you want a smooth surface for the top, frame out the area with wood and cover with drywall, then paint.
If you want to cover it all with a more modern rock then look at this site: http://www.capbrick.com/stone_overlay.ht鈥?/a>
You can also tile over the brick.
Before you get busy with the sledge hammer, maybe you should do a little research online at some fireplace remodeling.
Good luck!!!|||I have the same problem. As soon as you enter the front door you face the back of the fireplace. I have space open on the right and left. What the people did before was cover the entire back side and extend it to the right wall of the house to create a peninsula from the right. I knocked it down and now have the same problem your having. I'm just going to point the bricks and put a huge mirror on the back and put decorative shelving which could reach from the side of the fireplace to the wall. Call it a day and it's inexpensive. If you find out any other good ideas just let me know.
Thanks.|||Good finance question! I know of an organization that gives up to $1500 to people to help them with their rent or mortgage. It's available in most US cities, I highly suggest you check it out.
Best of Luck.
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