Thursday, November 24, 2011

What happened to the true conservatives?

10 years ago I could go to all manners of public forums, both in real life and online and find plenty of true respectable conservatives to have a knock down drag out liberal-conservative debate with.

Sadly it seems that this breed is gradually dieing out. It seems a lot of conservatives have fallen prey to the neoconservative agenda with its radical ideas on civil liberties, foreign policy, and nationalism. The fiscal responsibility ideas of true conservatives have been utterly destroyed in a way that even the most extreme liberal couldn't dream of.

So what has happened to these true conservatives? Have they completely lost a grip on the Republican party?|||It's true, fiscally - many Conservatives lost their way. They were behaving like liberals by expanding government, spending like Carrie from Sex %26amp; the City, and more social programs. The out of control spending primarily, is why Americans booted a lot of them out in the last election. They need to walk the walk of Conservatism if they want back in the Congress and the Senate.

The spending will only continue with a Dem in office.....but along with the spending - we'll be TAXED......A pay for even more social programs.

That's why I'm really excited about John McCain, because he'll stop the unneccessary spending. He is totally against earmarks and all the xtras that cost us Americans millions of dollars.

Quick question though............what do you mean by "radical ideas"?|||what do ppl mean by neoconservatism?|||there are a few left uncorrupted. Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul for example|||Neo-cons shrunk true conservatism to the point where it could be drowned in a bathtub.|||With the appearance of H. Ross Perot on the political front.... America's political "focus" was on ending "grid lock" and "partisan politics". Of course, the problem just got worse as Bill "deny deny deny" Clinton was being impeached.

In an effort to appease the national outcry.... Conservatives tried to "reach across the isle" and embrace "compassionate conservativism". Bush worked on legislation with Kennedy (NCLB) and and other dems, and Republicans in general tried to BUY support and favor from democrats by abandoning their conservative values and moving to the moderate or "left of center" of politics.

OF COURSE.... giving up OUR values bought us NOTHING. Speaker Nancy Pelosi continued to (and bragged about) "uniting House Democrats to block 90% of Republican ideas"..... so much for "bipartisanship" and so much for "moderate" conservativism.

WE NEED to take a HARD TURN back to the right.|||There are a ton of us healthy, hard-working Conservatives around!|||I don't know if "dying out" is the right term. I think a lot of people support what I could consider "true Conservative" values (limited spending, limited taxation, less government interference, a strong military but not to be used for nation building, etc. . .) Unfortunately, there is no one who has captured the attention of the American people with their voice for these issues.|||We are out here, Sometimes you just need a "jimmie carter era" to come back to reality! That probably would be the only good thing if Obama gets into office...|||I suspect you have no idea what a "true conservative" is. You clearly don't understand the conservative point of view. You claim "radical ideas" but you don't list any. You've bitten off more than you can chew.|||What happened was that they were seduced by the dream that they could get something for nothing. That's what Ronald Reagan sold them and they believed it.|||Agnes..

First of all, there are two types of conservatives, They are fiscal and social. Also, one can be conservative in one venue, and not the other.

Personally, I feel my posts display a conservative tone. I know this because of the "thumbs down" votes I get from liberal apologists.

Also, you might be having trouble recognizing the fact that the line which separates liberals from conservatives has been moved by political correctness. This was made possible by spineless conservatives who accepted all the liberal guilt - In the absence of logic, your only weapon. I personally do not accept your false guilt.

Is this post what you were looking for? Do you feel better now :^)|||You're so closed minded there's no point in debating. Why bother? I'd rather try talking a wall into turning into a window.

After being subjected to the general liberal debate tactic of name calling and personal attacks we've been forced to hold our tongue to keep our sanity. We realize there is little point in trying to debate logically with someone who largely bases their positions on emotion. Say we were debating the Iraq war and I say "we need to win" and I point out why, I get comebacks like "Bush lied", illegal war" or "you're a fascicst a**hole".

As far as grip on the Rep party, I can't say. I'm fairly conservative and a member of the Rep. party but I don't agree with the entire party line and don't participate in it.|||perhaps you have drifted so far left that everyone seems to be to the far right of you.

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