Saturday, November 19, 2011

What if I knocked on your door right now completely wasted...?

and fell down to the floor?

Would you help me or would you kick me to see if I'm still alive?

or other?|||I'd gently kick you then I'll let you take my bed for the night. Then i guess I'd get some ginger ale, coffee or whatever is good for treating hangovers cuz I've never treated one before. But I would make you my super special scrumptions pancakes for breakfast then take you home.

That's what I SHOULD DO.

But in reality, I'd be a little freaked out.|||First, I would roll you over and take your wallet. Then I would drag you next door and into the neighbor's pasture. Then I would use the money from your wallet to form a betting pool, and my friends and I would bet on who would find you first; the cows, the farmer, or the bull.|||I would offer you a refreshment and assist you into getting you home providing I deemed you were not in personal danger. If you were being uncooperative and troublesome I would let the police handle it.|||be bit pissed off that didn't invite me to whatever party been to yet would see if ok and then let you stay over till better.|||I would bring you in and you'd listen to my atrocious guitar playing (and singing).|||I'd slap you until you wokr up and then tell you to get the hell off of my porch and go home|||now that would make my night(if your a guy)actually it would make my morning since its 3:12am here:D|||Nope i would show you the couch for the night..|||ld laugh, hang out fer a lil, hand cuff you, and let the hobos on 5th handle you|||Uh, I'd prolly kick you then let you sleep outside. Heartless, yeah.|||I'd pick you up so you'd share the goodies...:- )|||I would help you :)|||if i didn't know you I would call the cops...|||I might mistake you for my mom.|||i would hand the joint over to you and ask if you want to hit it|||haha! I'd pour some nice,cold water on you then invite you to get some coffee and sober your drunk @ss up!|||What perfect timing, I just bought a new pack of black Sharpie's

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