Thursday, November 24, 2011

What happend to the true conservatives?

10 years ago I could go to all manners of public forums, both in real life and online and find plenty of true respectable conservatives to have a knock down drag out liberal-conservative debate with.

Sadly it seems that this breed is gradually dieing out. It seems a lot of conservatives have fallen prey to the neoconservative agenda with its radical ideas on civil liberties, foreign policy, and nationalism. The fiscal responsibility ideas of true conservatives have been utterly destroyed in a way that even the most extreme liberal couldn't dream of.

So what has happened to these true conservatives? Have they completely lost a grip on the Republican party?|||It appears that some people learn better.|||I am a true conservative who is fighting against the neoconservative influence on the Republican Party.|||The "true conservative" as you knew them have been over-powered by neocons, traditional conservatives, and the religious right.

The "true conservatives" as you call them are libertarians and paleocons that are denounced as liberals by moralists and neocons.

These moralists and neocons have indoctrinated their offspring into thinking wedge issues are what being liberal or conservative is all about.|||Society has changed quite a bit in the past 20 years. The public schools indoctrinate children from a very young age with liberalism. That is why conservatives are dying out....same as common sense, it is very common because people don't know how or want to think for themselves any longer.|||They are around. But not popular enough to beat the more liberal tax and spenders in the two parties. They will be back. A win by the socialists will bring back the conservatives.|||Yes they have,|||We are here and most of us never left. We also know we can't afford to buy the votes that liberalism was designed specifically to court.|||Conservatives learned how to waste money. Just like the old Democrats of the past.. But the " conservatives of the congress of now, know how to talk the talk, and waste a buck, and spend what they don't have.|||The so-called true conservatives have faded away pretty much. Conservatism has been identified with hatred and bigotry. Just like liberalism is associated with being weak and immoral. Maybe if just got away from labels a little bit we all can become true Americans, it's just a thought.|||So let me get this right, the Democrats have it all together. Is that your position with this farciful primary going on? How could the DNC take a pretty easy win and turn it into a party shattering death match between "the black guy" and the "woman" and in the end losing the Presidency.

Keep up the good fight cause me thinks this one is just about over. What you going to do about Michigan and Florida? Yup, you guys are really cooking right along. Maybe the super deligates will come to the rescue, cape and all. Will they wear super-costumes at the convention? I wanna see DemoMan.|||I've always wondered about the name "Conservative". What could they be conserving???

What would Goldwater have thought of these Neo-Conservative phonies??? These guys have betrayed every conservative value.|||The real GOP was lost right before Ronald Reagan came on board. I consider Dwight D Eisenhower a Republican.

along with Richard Nixon. Nixon was what he was, a common crook and thief, he made no bones about it.

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