Saturday, November 19, 2011

Has Valium helped your fear of flying?

Has anybody tried Valium to help fight their fear of flying? I enjoy traveling a lot but my fear of flying is ruining everything. While I can be reasonably comfortable on board if the flight is smooth, the anticipation still makes me a nervous wreck, and I feel every tiny bump during the flight. And I definitely can't sleep on planes, too stressed.

I need something to relax, and help me sleep on overnight flights, but not necessarily knocks me down completely.

Has anybody tried Valium? Is it very strong? I don't want to go through immigration on arrival and look like a druggie!|||Research at the Stanford University School of Medicine showed a ten-fold increase in panic during flight when benzodiazepine medication was taken. During flight, 71% of the fearful fliers receiving medication had panic attacks compared with only 7% receiving a placebo.

Based on my experience with several thousand fear of flying clients, panic is due to reduced cognitive ability when medicated, and what is feared is believed to be happening. For example, in turbulence, the medicated passenger believes the plane is falling.

After the flight, instead of recognizing the terror was imaginary, they believe the flight nearly crashed and medication enabled them to endure the terror. Additional medicated flying only increases the trauma, until the person becomes unable to fly.

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