Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why do my family bring me down?

lets just say I don't find things very easy, including socially, and don't really know how to deal with things - I'm very complicated and i find life quite difficult sometimes. so when I do or say something "wrong", my family will act all weird with me, as if I'm some freak of nature. I feel that they don't even accept me, and it's getting to the point where I'm not really happy at home, and feel like I'd be a lot better off without them. My self esteem has been knocked so much, and when I have those good days where I finally think I'm getting somewhere in terms of feeling better, they'll say something that will completely knock me again. My mom also once called me selfish and she said she doesn't think I find it as bad as I make out I do, which hurt me to levels I can't explain, because I really do find it so hard with people. Please help, they make me feel awful about myself, I need to build confidence and self-esteem and I can't have them looking down on me all the time. Its like I wan't a break from things, but don't know how as I'm only 15 and can't really get away for a while. Help?|||I know how you feel I'm 15 too and can't get away cuz you know, not old enough to get a job, can't live on my own, all those things. Pretty much what i have to do to get by is to shut out what they say. Don't listen to it, you know who you are, and that's all that matters. Don't focus on the bad parts of you, focus on the good things about you, even if they tell you you're nothing, you are. Also what i do to gain respect in my house is i show the wrong, like they used to say i was lazy and fat. I got off my fat *** and did something. They don't call me that anymore. And every year when they something about me I prove them wrong. But if you can't do that just wait it out like i have to do until you're 18 or watever age you'll be when you get out and move somewhere far away and make a new life and a new you! That's what i dream of every day. Just keep your head up you'll be fine :)

Sorry for long message. lol|||Try joining clubs? I know its hard to associate with others but you don't have to as much. It can build self esteem and confidence. Join a club that has something you like. Having a friend too won't be complicated. :) Just try to open up, okay?|||Blood is not always thicker than water.|||Everyone feels like they dont fit in their own home from time to time, heck i fell like that all the time.

Confront your mum about how you Really feel and she will understand. Ask her rhetorical questions like how do you think i feel? why do you act that way? they will feel sorry for you and if not, try again, if you dont want to say it to your whole family ask your mum to come in a quiet room and you will see you will get more confidence.

Chin up, look forward and you should try to go out with friends more and you will feel more relaxed x|||I'm sorry, I've felt like that sometimes. Just keep telling yourself that whatever happens, you are strong enough to get through it. And you are. Don't look down on yourself, there are too many people who will do that in life. Instead, be proud of who you are. You can always find a reason to be proud of yourself if you look deep down, even if it's some stupid little reason. Don't let your family get you down. I'm sorry I can't really help you, but at least I can say that I know what you are going through. Good luck, I hope everything works out.

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