Saturday, November 19, 2011

How much force would it take to break aa garage door?

Break as in completely knocked down.|||It depends on the type of door. Cheaper ones, such as pan style steel doors with crumple under pressure. If they are insulated with a steel back, it will be much harder. If it is wood, the key would be to put pressure where the wood is jointed together. A garage door can be pushed in with a vehicle. Expect some damage to the vehicle if you do this. Wide garage doors also have strengthening bars that go the length of the door for support.|||From the back? Not a ton. From the front, they're designed to keep YOU out. Three guys full on tackling wouldn't do more than make a ton of noise.|||I have replaced a lot of doors hit by a car only one that a man used a bar and broke in a wood door is the hardest to brake in|||Completely knock down would be hard, would need a car to smash it in. But if your asking about breaking into a chain driven garage door, you can do it with a crowbar easily if its not latched and locked.

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