Saturday, November 19, 2011

Not to completely knock down Obama, BUT?

Doesnt it seem as though anytime Obama is trying to make peace with a country that doesnt really like us, he kinda burns on americans and says how the USA was in the wrong.

Is this kinda like a chicken way to make peace?? shouldnt he have a stronger stance and not just throw us under the bus in hopes to make things better??

what are your thoughts?|||When has the President ever said this, and to whom? If he did say that we were wrong, was he right about that?

Being a tough-guy jackass is no way to go through life. It works particularly poorly in foreign affairs.|||The ultimate weasel.|||when has he said america was wrong and to which countries?|||In general, if the US was wrong for something, isn't Obama a bigger man and a bigger president for admitting it. I mean, sometimes in order to make peace you have to apologize if you did something wrong. I don't see how he's throwing us under the bus. The US has always had a strong stance. I'm actually proud of Obama because he gives the United States an international integrity.

Now, what bothers me about Obama is that he does a whole bunch of talking and not a lot of doing. He said he was going to shut down Guantanamo Bay prison and pull the troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq, but instead now he's going to be sending troops to Pakistan. I hope he isn't as skilled at raising hopes as he is in dashing them.|||I understand what your saying but, I would have to disagree; though that is not to say I disagree in accordance with Obama.

I am a very strong believer in what Thomas Jefferson demanded America's government to do, "Shall not meddle in the affiars of other nations."

We should only engage in commerce trade with other nations. We shouldn't be bombing other nations. We shouldn't be making messy deals with Middle East countries. We shouldn't be engaging in unwarranted wars. We shouldn't be telling other nations what to do with their nation. We shouldn't be killing innocents Americans for a war 28% of Americans want to be in...what happened to a nation by the people?

The best way to make peace is to not interfere within other nations affairs.

So although you may think, rightfully so, that Obama could use better strategy at making peace-- I think that Obama shouldn't be talking at all and just worry about that deficit spending that he and his gov't is utilizing on the daily.|||he's an idiot that's why bush new his enemies and allies obama thinks we are one big happy family.WRONG

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