Thursday, November 24, 2011

I'm having a tooth pulled down?! (Horrified?)?

I have this one baby tooth that is not coming down right, so they're going to drill a hole in the roof of my mouth, pull it down, then pull it over to where it needs to be, then wire it to my tooth. I'm am flipping out, vecause the surgery is in less than an hour. It's not the surgery, it's the freaking SHOTS. I've gotten (They didn't say laughing gas, it was this fancy scientific name) some gas, but i'm wondering, am I going to be able to feel these shots in the roof of my mouth? Let me tell you, every time i get thse shots it hurts MORE than a pinch (really sensitive mouth) . Will I be knocked out completely with the gas, or will I still feel pain? (Sorry if I sound panicky, i'm freaking out right now)|||When I was in third grade I had to have my upper, front baby tooth pulled cause the adult tooth was not making it come out. Then they put this wire thing on the adult tooth so I could have braces and pull it down, if you are using braces to do this it is not that painful. It takes some getting used to. They use this wire thing and put it through the loop and attach it to the braces wire and tie it so there is some pressure for a few days( you will want to take some tylenol or something). You will get used to it. Good luck and it will look great in the end!|||I had a tooth exposed when I was younger, the just basically removed the gum from around the tooth and placed a bracket on it so my braces would pull it down. they put me compleatly under with meds in a iv.|||my sister had that done and the only thing that was painful was the actual pulling down of the tooth later. are u having a chain attached to it cuz thats what she did... i wouldnt worry about it... if u have a good dentist you shouldnt feel the shots|||Well your dentist will probably numb your mouth with this gel stuff before they give you a shot

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