Thursday, November 24, 2011

5 year old boy being completely destructive.?

My son will be 6 in July. Over the past week he's knocked down a fence, smashed the neighbor's tomato plants, smeared mud all over the OTHER neighbor's garage, busted some windows out of the vacant house next door, etc. He's always been "naughty," but it's getting out of hand now. He's an angel when I have my eye on him, but the second I turn my back he turns into a destructive devil. I've tried taking away the TV, grounding him to his room, and guilt trips. Aside from beating his ***, I'm out of ideas. I don't know what to do. I don't want him to grow up and be a juvenile delinquent, which seems like a very real possiblity right now. What can I do?|||I do not know what to tell I am in the same boat as you with my five year old. I think it is funny how everyone gives you the spill about giving more discipline blah blah blah. If he is like mine he could give a rats behind what kind of discipline you use. These are the people who have those darling children and have no idea what it is like to have a strong-willed child. My advice is to hang in there and maybe get some counseling. My sons pediatrician said that she thinks he may have O.D.D. (Oppositional defiant disorder). Well we are seeing a therapist now so we will see. Good luck to you.|||I would make him scrub all the mud off with a toothbrush and a bucket of water. Replant the tomato plants, help fix the fence (if he has any money he no longer would as he would have to pay for things to be repaired replaced.

Then I would ask myself why my 5 year old is alone long enough to do these things. If you know he is like this he should not be out of your site. And ask yourself. Give him a damn good smack everytime he does this or in 10 years be visiting him in juvie every week???

You should also look into a parenting course so you get the help and support needed to whip his behaviour into shape|||It is summer and your kid is bored.

Enrole him in some sort of community summer camp to keep him busy.|||maybe he has adhd or a mild form of aspergers my brother is like that but in front of my mom or ocd check into that|||Give him hugs all the time for no reason and he will feel very much loved. you should also take him to do outdoor activities that are destructive but in which he cannot hurt anybody. this would start to make him get bored of these destructive activities and he will come to a complete halt. he will change but dont expect him to change that fast. And one question how hard to you beat his A-S-S?|||Take him to a Dr....get some meds and counseling...|||Guilt trips on a 5 year old? PLEASE get real. Your explanation of him always being "Naught" tells me a lot. Like he was never given any discipline as a toddler. He was allowed to be "naughty" rather than face the consequences of his actions. That certainly is not his fault. He is only a child and as the parent it was and is up to you to discipline him and that includes when he was a toddler. You have taken away something that was given to him without of course he isn't going to care because he knows that eventually he will get it back. What does grounding to his room do? Nothing.

Why aren't YOU offering him more constructive outlets for his energy? He is old enough to be placed into Marital Arts, Day Camps, afterschool sports. He is bored and until you steer his engergy onto constructive outlets he is going to behave in this manner and pretty soon your neighbors will begin to take you to court to pay for your child's destructive behavior.|||You've got to discipline him more. How did you discipline him when he smeared mud? When he broke the windows? When he smashed the plants?

I hate to say it this way, but you've got to grow the balls/ovaries to discipline your kid.

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